And tom-jerry fight continues

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Naira, kartik called her but she did not reply.

"Whether you admit or not You are jealous,sherni.
Not bad.

She how much I am irresistible?😁

Even a sherni got jealous of chipkali??"😇😂

Naira can't but laugh.
But she doesn't show that to kartik.

"He called them chipkali."😁😁
She smiled

But she didn't answer as she was angry.
Why he noticed about their activities and even he remembered about their name too.😡

She took a mental note to give a lesson those chipkali who looked at his mal;his mindak.😎😎

Next Morning

Their peacefully slept each other arms.

Unromantic alarms rings.

Kartik put a pillow over head in order to avoid the sound.

Naira,plz switch off the alarm clock.

But after five minutes it rings again


"Please someone stop the clock."
He groaned in frustration. 😁

Being frustrated he woke up and got a shocked.His sherni was completely lying over his body.🙈🙈

HE forgot to take breathe.
He looked at her angelic face.
He drunk her beauty in dreamy eyes.

Kartik started at her lovingly but the sound of alarm bring back to him reality.

He quickly placing a pillow and got down from the bed.He cursed the alarm.

Before that he didn't forget to click a picture.🥰🥰

He kissed her.
I wish I could be there.
He sighed looking at the pillow and thought something.

He felt he need a cold shower early in the morning.🤭🙈


He set a new alarm for naira and went to washroom for freshen up.

When he came back he saw that naira was still sleeping and sonoring.

He frowned.🤨🤨

"Does she okay?
Normally she wakes up before sun rise."

He became worried and checked her body temparture.

He heaved a sighed of relief.
It's normal.But why yet she didn't wake up?It isn't normal?

Did she change her habit or the effect of late night sleeping.

He decided to let her sleep.
And again switch off the alarm.🥰

He went kitchen and made breakfast for them.

He back to room and thought to wake up her.He felt boring without their non sensible talk.

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