My family is my heaven

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Soooo sorry for being late.At last my assignments & group presentation has finished.

Moreover class will be suspend this week..Semester final is knocking at the door.So the update will be as usual irregular and for that I am extremely sorry.

Don't worry.It’s past 😂😂

Coming to the story

Naitik-Princess why are you not sleeping?It's not good for your health.
It's already midnight.You should sleep.

Naira-Makes puppy face.Sorry papa.Sleep runs away from my eyes.
So what can I do??

Naitik-(Naughty expression)

For this big problem I have an amazing ideaa.Let me think.(pretends to think)

Oh yes....We can play video games(excitedly)

Naira-Awww papa.
What are you saying??(fake angry)
You should sleep papa.

Naitik-Sleepless night is not a new thing to me.By playing we can make the night rememberable.And please no argument.

Naira just hugs him.

This scene is seen by Naksh who comes downstairs to fill the empty bottle.

Naksh-Truly speaking in this house nobody loves me.How can you make a plan without me??you guys are planning to play without me!!!This is not fair.

If I don't come to downstairs to fill the bottle I never come to learn about such a big conspiracy.

Naira-You are so much jealous vai....
But truly speaking we think you are sleeping so....

Naksh-007 I can sacrifice my sleep for playing games with you.You are very very special to me.

Naitik-Ufff enough discussion.
We should start games now.

Naksh-No papa.

Naitik Naira-What??????

Naksh-Yes papa.Naira is expert of this game and definitely she wins the games....

Naitik-Are you scared of naira??

Naksh-Papa you again take her side.It's a bacchaowali game.

We should play something which is very interesting and exciting. What's about chess?We can paly it.

Naira-Makes face.What a boring game!!

Naksh-Not at all.It's a very interesting game.And please don't make excuse.

Playing chess is not a easy thing.For this game a lot of patient and intelligence is needed.But these two things is not exist in your life,is it??

Naira-What do you mean?I am a ghadi (fool)

Naksh-Thanks for admitting it.At last you understand it.

Naitik enjoys their nokh jhok....and thinks when they will behave maturely.

Naira-Papa now I will definitely play chess with vai.If I ain't win the games then my name is not naira kar..
But she composed herself and then my name is not naira.

And papa you will observe the games very carefully.Some people have bad habit to cheat. (Eyed to naksh)

Naksh glared at naira.

Naitik can't control himself and bursts into laughter...

They continue the game whole night and obviously naira wins.

In the very morning they sleep.

On the other hand in the very early morning kartik's fight lands on the udiapur.He is very excited to see naira.
He enters naira's room through the window.

Thanks god she is sleeping.Otherwise beta you can be beaten up...

He remembered the previous incident that happened during Keesh marriage time.

He laughs himself remembering those old days.History repeats itself.

He adores his sleeping beauty.

Suddenly he notices naira's frown.Actually the sun light falls on her face.He puts his hand before her face in order to prevent the sun light.

She smiles.

Naira's smile also brings smile in kartik's face.He thinks she is so sensitive.

He stares at her without any blinking.

But soon he comes back into reality  from the dreamland due to alarming sound of the watch...

Without any thinking he jumps from the window but obviously before jumping he kissed her forehead.

Naira wakes up from the sleep as she feels his soft touch on her forehead.

But the room is empty.With a dishearten heart again she sleeps......

Precap-Leaps of the 10 days and naira again in goenka house.

Author's Note...

I am very upset.Last chapter get less vote although that was full of kaira...Plz votes and comments.

Happy reading.

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