Movie Time

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Happy New year

New year brings prosperity in your life and May Allah bless us

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New year brings prosperity in your life and May Allah bless us.

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Coming to the story

Naira's eyes glued to the tv screen.
With a great devotion or other word we can say with a great sincerity she was watching  movie.

On the other hand mendak's eyes fixed to naira's face.

He doesn't want to miss any expression of her..mHe likes when she smiles or frowns in the time of watching movie.

"What is this kartik?Why are you looking at me?Television ish taraf Nahi ush taraf hai"

(pointing on tv)Television is there...So watch there & let me enjoy this movie peacefully...

Kartik in mind who wants to disturb your so called movie??In fact it's you now who disturbed me.

But who said to u?This mendak has not enough courage to cut your words.

I whish you could understand my feelings.

"Kartik would u plz let me watch the movie???Stop staring at me.

It's irritating.

If you are not interested to watch the movie please leave and you can sleep too.

Kartik in mind I am interested to see u without any blinking.But you don't allow me to do so.

"No.I am watching the movie."

He tries to concentrate the movie but failed...Though his eyes locked to the screen his mind waving back to the past.


Earlier they used to watch movie by cuddling each other...and he never allowed to finish a movie peacefully.

Most of the time he disturbed her giving soft kissy near her neck and which later turn into a love make out session.

He smiled by thinking that how they fought for the last piece of corn.

They used to feed each other...But the last bite of pop corn was always a apple of discord between them....

Even yet he still remembers the incident when for the first time naira forces him to watch a horror movie.

Precap-Go with the flow

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