Golmal continue

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Before reading kindly do votes and comments in previous chapter.

Though I haven't planned to update so early, I forced to write for sweety.So here is a quick short update and hope you enjoy to read it.

I will appreciate the way you regularly read my stories.But my heart break when I see nearly 200 read and only 25 votes.

You guys make it habit to read daily but can't do a simple votes or comments which is very bad habit as well as hurtful scenery for a writer.

Hope you will be more generous to press the below star * marks though it cost nothing and if you don't like then don't read.

Thank you.


Between you are late in the class that's why I come to check.

But seeing your condition I think you aren't in a  good mood taking class.

Kartik nodded his head.

I can understand your situation Mr.Goenka.

It's not a easy job to pacify your angry wife and here her anger is justified too.

Kartik nodded his head in yes.

Mr.Goenka we aren't play a game.
Why you are only shaking your head.😆😁

Kartik signed him.

Sorry.Mr goenka I am very week at dumb charades game.

Kartik banged on his head.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


"Mr.Goenka don't be upset"

He went near him inorder to console him and gave him a fatherly hug.

(Initial episode I cleared that only Mr.Pinto knew that they're (kaira) husband wife)

"Don't worry my child.One day everything will be alright " and caressed his back affectionately.

And kartik needed a emotional support and so he reciprocated the hug.

At that moment door opened.

They heard a loud breaking sound of a glass and immediately they parted away.


They saw ramu (pion) looked at them in wide eyes and he was trembling.

"What my luck".Kartik cursed his luck.

Raum chanted in lord ram's name.

Mr.pinto and kartik looked at each other and passed a message between them.

Mr.pinto softened his voice and proceeded toward ramu to clear the crap.😂

But Mr.pinto hit by a chair and kartik caught him in right time.

(Come on guys how can kartik allowed to fall an elderly person?Moreover he has a vast experience to catch naira)

"Mr.pinto and KG in a relationship"
(Breaking news).Ramu murmured.

Ramu ran in fear.😂😂😂

"What are you doing,kartik?
Leave me.And stop his mouth before it's too late"

Kartik left him and ran.


"Ahh!My poor bone."
Mr. Pinto groaned in pain.

Kartik caught him(ramu) but he struggled a lot to skip from his hand.

Kartik saw some student came towards their direction.

"Help help" ramu shouted.

Kartik covered up his mouth and took him a corner.

When the student had gone he heaved a sigh of relief.

Ramu bite his hand.

outch.Kartik groaned in pain.

"Sir please leave me.
Maine aisa admi nhi hu.
I have a beautiful wife whom I love"

Mr.Pinto came and put a rumal his mouth.

"Kartik we have to do something to stop his mouth."


Kartik nodded his head.

"What can we do??"

Ramu groaned.....

Do you get any idea?

Kartik nodded his head.

Uff!!What's wrong with you??

Can't you talk?

Kartik nodded his head.

Here ramu found a way to loose the rope and ran away.

Oh fish!!!

Kartik threw a big flower vase on back and he fall on the ground.

In excitement Mr. Pinto hugged kartik.
"I love you my boy"

Ramu's eye pooped out


Kartik jumped and stood two feet away from mr.pinto.

Sorry, my boy.I just got carried away.

(someone plz stop his mouth.His innocent talk has a double meaning and ramu gi cooked up another story in his mind)

Target-Next update will be update after getting 30-35 votes on this chapter.

Do votes and comments.

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