The midnight ghost

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Precap-From the part trouble continues.

Naira showed over care and concerned to kartik.She forced him to eat till his throat and his stomach was about to burst.

To safe his life he hide some portion of food under the bed and rest others inside his pocket.

Naira forced him to watch a horror movie but he was engrossed to stare at her.Late night their peaceful slumber broke due to arrival of some unwanted guest and it's red ant.

Naira discovered the hiding food under the bed and from his pocket and she kicked out kartik from room.

But she couldn't sleep and she went to her mendak.That didn't mean she forget everything.(She just hold on mood)

She saw that kartik slept in a sofa and it's very uncomfortable.Stress marks was visible in his face.


She felt very bad.
She went near him and called him by his name.


But he didn't buzz at all.

She frowned.

She carefully shake him.

He caught her hand and kissed his palm (mentioned that he was sleeping)

Kartik rocked naira shocked.

Naira got a huge shocked and stood there like a statue for a second.

"What's that?"
She murmured.

She noticed his stress marks vanished and a beautiful smile adored or crept his face.

Unwillingly she smiled and caressed his soft hairs.

Here kartik felt or sensed something.
Something pulled his hairs.
He shivered in fear.

Few hours ago he just watched a horror movie where a athma possessed a boy's head and controlled him.

In fear he started chanting.

He tightly closed his eyes.
He was sweating profusely.
He wanted to move from there.
He wanted to run away from their but couldn't. He felt someone forcing him back.

He was verse of cry.

Please please don't possess me.
Please please don't eat me,kill me.(closed eyes)


For a second he didn't feel anything.
He thought his prayer was accepted and heaved a sigh of relief.

But he was so wrong and in next second he realised it.

A glass of cold water welcomed his face.

Obviously naira splashed water.

"Wake up Kartik"

Are you really my naira??

Naira glared at him.

Shall I throw the entire  jug of water??
She murmured.

"Hey, witch you copied my naira's look.
How dare you!!
See.I am not scared of you."

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