Chapter 7

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I stood on the jet as Barton and Romanoff piloted the jet. "Stark, we're on your three. We're heading north east." Romanoff stated. "What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Stark answered. I waited patiently before the sound of rapid gun-fire erupted from below the Quinjet. "Nat, you see him?" Barton asked her. "Yep." She said before I felt the ship rock. I pushed the ramp button. "Reeds! What are you doing?! We're too high up. If you jump, you'll hit the ground and no amount of regeneration will bring you back to life." Romanoff called out as I looked over the ramp at the speeding aliens below. "Who said anything about hitting the ground?" I countered looking over my shoulder. I unsheathed both katanas, the glinting from the light of the sun. "Reeds. We need a plan." Rogers told me. I turned to face him extending my arms. "That's the thing, Cap. I have a plan. Death from above." I said before stepping off the jet. 

I spun around and dove towards the ground reversing the grip of the katanas in my hand pointing the blades towards my feet. I spread out my limbs before flipping and slamming my feet into the head of an alien. They flew out off the flying hovercraft before two others looked back at me. "Bet you didn't see that coming." I said before dodging a blast of laser fire and spinning on my knee, extending my arms. The two katanas held in reverse-grip as I spun into slashing attack on my right knee. I don't use a traditional fighting-style. I incorporate all the forms of martial arts that I've learned and created my own. I spun once more standing to my feet before throwing the left katana into the chest of one of the aliens. It fell back before I flipped over the last alien, grabbing the sword from the chest of the dead alien, spun around decapitating the last standing alien. I looked around before trying to maneuver the alien ship. I started trailing a group of alien ships before accelerating the craft. I started to run chucking a frag over my shoulder before jumping off the hovercraft. A loud explosion occurred behind me as I crashed through the window of a building and rolled to my feet, to find myself in a large open room filled with aliens and human hostages. 

The aliens all looked at me with weapons in their hands. "Hey, how's it going?" I asked them before I drew two Colts and unleased a flurry of bullets into each of their heads. I continued my attack regardless of being hit by incoming fire. I smirked from behind the mask before hearing the click of an empty cartridge. I dodged a laser fire before throwing both of the guns at an alien's face, running at it. My suit started to glow before I jumped into the air and slammed my fist into its face. The aliens surrounding me were sent flying. Except for one. One last alien was holding a woman hostage pointing a gun at her head. I groaned. "This isn't exactly how I thought my day would go." I said. "We know." Cap stated through the earpiece before I threw a ninja star at the alien's eye and slammed my foot into its chest, sending us flying out the window. I drew a katana and spun around mid-air decapitating the being, before standing atop of its back as it crashed into the ground, I rolled to my feet seeing Romanoff, Rogers, and Barton jogging over. "What took you so long? Couldn't find a place to park?" I asked before tearing off my mask and tossing it aside, revealing my sweaty face. I looked at Romanoff before she looked up at the window I flew out of and at the dead alien behind me. "See? Told you I had a plan." I told Cap. "I can see that." He said with a chuckle. 

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