Chapter 8

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I looked up at the sound of a energy whining above me. Legions of alien creatures flew out of the portal above Stark Tower. "Stark, are you seeing this?" Cap asked. "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Stark answered. "Banner?" I asked. "Just keep me posted." Stark stated the four of us ran down the street before a group of alien fighters flew over head. "Those people need assistance down there." Rogers said as Chitauri landed nearby. "This day just keeps getting better and better." I stated. "What's the matter? Getting bored?" Natasha asked me with a smirk. I scoffed. "Fighting with Black Widow? How could I?" I asked before sliding across the hood of a destroyed taxicab and drawing both Desert Eagles and firing the two hand cannons.  I looked to Rogers. My acute sense of hearing caught the whine of engines before looking up to see Loki on a fighter firing at the civilians up ahead. "Loki. They're fish in a barrel down there." Rogers stated. "We got this. We're good. Go." Natasha told him.  Cap looked at me. "Do you think you can hold them off?" He asked. I smirked pulling out reloading both Desert Eagles, tossing them into the air as both ammo cartridges fell from the guns. The guns descended from the air before I slammed new cartridges into the guns and in one fluid motion, reloaded them. "You forgetting who I am, Captain?" I asked before coming out from behind the taxi and firing the guns at the heads of the Chitauri. "Just like Budapest all over again." She called out firing her guns. I shared a look with Barton. "You and I remember Budapest very differently." Barton said firing his arrows. "Yeah, I don't remember any aliens and gods being in Budapest." I commented. "How would you know? You were too busy being on the run from SHIELD." Natasha countered. "Point taken." I muttered firing my Desert Eagle into the face of a Chitauri without looking. "Now look at me. Fighting an alien invasion with the secret government agency that wanted me dead." I said. "Wouldn't be the first one." Natasha pointed out. "Look at the three of us. Bonding over our pasts...during an alien invasion. Really warms by heart." I said running at a taxi bounding off of the hood and spinning mid-air to fire the gun into three heads of the Chitauri with the same bullet. I landed on my knee before throwing the guns into the air, pulling out three knives and rapidly throwing them into three more Chitauri before catching my guns and firing them at the Chitauri directly ahead of me. I stood up before I was sideswiped by a Chitauri member. I slammed a fist into its ugly maw before jamming the barrel of the hand cannon into its underjaw and firing. It went limp before I pushed it off. I looked over at Natasha and Barton with its blood on my face. "That was really gross." I said turning onto my side. 

I got to my feet and sheathed both guns before pulling out the katanas. "These things just keep coming." I said using the blades of the katanas to block laser fire. I pulled Natasha back, stepping in front of her before deflecting laser fire. "Thanks." She said. "Don't mention it." I said before more Chitauri arrived. "Alright. You know...I'm really starting to hate aliens." I said putting the handles of the two katanas together and twisting them in opposite directions. I twirled the double-bladed weapon around. "That's new." Barton pointed out. "New upgrade since Budapest." I said before spinning the weapon around and slashing at the aliens. Two of them brought their gun-staff down on the blades, only to be taken out by Cap's shield. He rolled to his feet in front of me, grabbing his shield before I separated the katanas and sheathed them both. Bolts of lightning appeared to my right before Thor landed. The four of us walked over. "What's the story upstairs?" Cap asked him. "The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable." Thor answered. "Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys." Stark pointed out. "How do we do that?" Romanoff asked. "As a team." Cap voiced. "I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor explained. "Yeah? Well, get in line." Barton stated. "Save it. Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to..."  Cap started before a motorcycle engine sounded behind us. I turned around to see Banner. 

"So, this all seems horrible." Banner voiced. "I've seen worse." Natasha told him. "Sorry." Banner answered. "No, no. We could use a little worse." I sounded. "Stark, we got him." Rogers said. "Banner?" Stark asked. "Just like you said." Cap stated. "Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Stark added. The sound of a building being destroyed caught my attention as I looked up. I found a giant alien creature chasing after Tony. "I--I don't see how that's a party." Natasha voiced as I found myself the only one smiling. "I do. This just got a hell of a lot more fun." I said. "Weren't you the one complaining about the aliens not three minutes ago?" Barton asked me. "Zip it, Green Arrow." I said pointing a gloved finger at him before Banner started walking towards the creature. "Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Rogers told him. "That's my secret, Captain." Banner sounded. "I'm always angry." Banner added before turning into Hulk and slamming his giant green fist into the creature's face. 


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