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I sat at the table on the main deck with Director Fury, Maria Hill, Coulson, Rogers, Thor, Stark, and Dr. Banner. "So...what? Loki's been captured. We should send him back to Asgard." Thor suggested. "No can do. Ever since Loki arrived, he's taken control of an agent of ours." Fury said. "We need to get the Tesseract back." He added. "So how are we supposed to deal with a highly trained brainwashed assassin?" Rogers asked. "Simple. We get an assassin to do it." Fury answered. "Sir. What am I supposed to do? He knows my every move." I voiced. "I wasn't talking about you, Romanoff." He said turning to a screen before dropping a file in front of me. "I was talking about him." He stated. "Connor Reeds, aka, Reaper." Hill said. "Wasn't he the one behind the assassinations of multiple crooked politicians and crime lords?" I asked going through his file. "He was. Reaper is well-known in the world of crime. He's also well-respected and the best at what he does. And what he does silencing problems for money. He's an international mercenary that is practically the Boba Fett of earth. The greatest. He was a captain the Marines before joining the Army Compartmented Element for six years. The unit that was behind the captures of many of the world's deadliest terrorists." Fury explained. "During those six years, he was selected for a top secret military project called "Project Genesis." The project was a more advanced version of the super serum used on Rogers." He added. "Wait, so you're saying that he's a super-soldier?" Steve asked. "That's exactly what I'm saying. However, the project proved unsuccessful when it made Reeds mentally unstable. I'm guessing the project did more than give him some powers." Fury answered. "They messed with his mind and tried to make him their own personal weapon. Luckily, Reeds gained control of his mind and with his newfound abilities...killed every person that worked on Project Genesis. Erasing any clues that project ever existed." Hill stated. "What kind of abilities does he have?" I asked. "Everything that Rogers has and more. He's practically unkillable given his incredible regenerative capabilities. He also has enhanced senses and can sense when he is in danger. Making him difficult to subdue and take down. He has been trained in many different types of martial arts, can use any type of firearm and weapon known to man, and not to mention has a genius-level intellect equal to you two." Fury said pointing at Stark and Banner. "So...what you're telling me is...he was an unsuccessful military experiment gone wrong. Happens to be a one-man army that can take on an entire military. And conveniently happens to be both brainy and brawny. I don't know about you but it sounds like Project Genesis worked to me." Banner said. "Why him?" I asked staring at the mug shot of the premier assassin. " matter what he does for a living. He's been taking out people that even S.H.I.E.L.D. have been trying to put away. Pay him enough money...he'll do any job...even save the goddamn planet if he had to." Fury explained. "So you intend to bribe him into saving the world." Rogers said. "No, intend to use his unique skill set to save the world and afterwards...put him behind bars." Fury countered. "Yeah, good luck with that. People have been trying to put away Reaper for years. No prison can hold him." I said. "I seem to remember you getting close." Fury said glaring at me. "I want you on a Quinjet to Brooklyn." Fury said walking away. "Got it." I said standing up and heading to the hangar. 

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