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He kept walking towards me,I try to move back but he would just come more further,just before he was an inch next to me,I Ducked down and ran to the left side until I felt his hands wrapped around my wrist,I didn't know what to do until he pulled me back to him,he pinned me to the wall and caged me in
"Where did you think you were going kitten?" His eyes were non stop staring at me,it gave me the chills,he came closer until his lips were crashed onto mine,it was a passionate kiss,I didn't kiss him back at all,I immediately let go until he got his arm around and waist and pulled me to him,my face was right next to his neck,I could feel that his hand was on my hair stroking it

"Let's have some fun" he whispered to my ear,i couldn't take it,I immediately push his body away from mine,he can't naturally be like this,he's probably drunk...
"You Bastard,don't ever come to me or Lisa" I exclaimed only for him to hear since the Music was still playing loudly

"Nah,I will come to you but not Lisa" he smirks evilly making my anger level higher than Normal
I left the place while he was their standing on the same spot

As I headed to my car,I wipe my lips
I get into my car and slam the door with anger
The road was dark and the street lights didn't seem to work,I took the longer way home since there was road work on the shorter way home
~35 Minutes later~
I arrived home,it was now midnight and my mom still hasn't came back,I then called her while making my self a snack
On the phone-
Y/n: eomma,where are you?
Mom:I'm nearly here sweetie,there's road work everywhere
Y/n: yeah I noticed it too,I'll make you some food for you
Mom:thank you love
Ends the call-

I decided to make kimchi stir rice...while I stirred the rice,I call Lisa about the pub situation
Lisa:hey y/n~
Y/n: hey,uhm,I need to talk to you about something~
Lisa:is it bad?~
Y/n:yes very bad,do you wanna come over,I'm making kimchi stir rice for my mom...there'll be enough for you too~
Lisa:okay,I'll be there in 10 minutes,since it's late,can I stay over~
Y/n:yesss please,I need to talk to you about what happened...its going to shock you~
Lisa:wow,does it include me as well?~
Y/n:yep,I gotta go....byeee~

A few minutes later,I heard the door being unlocked,it was my mom,she seemed pretty tired,as she walked to the living,I went to give her a warm hug
"I Missed you eomma" I didn't want to let go...I hugged her even more..she responded to it
"I missed you to baby" she kisses my forehead,I took her bag and gave her comfy slippers
"Eomma,guess what,I made kimchi stir rice...your recipe,I hope it tastes good like yours" I smile while walking to the kitchen
"Of course it will be,if it's your mums cooking,it will definitely taste good" she then comes to me to set everything out
"Ahh,I invited Lisa too stay round,is that ok?" I ask while I put the kimchi stir fried rice onto my mums bowl
"Yes of course,I haven't seen her in a while"

I gave eomma her bowl and then headed to the living room with mine,I heard a knock on the door,i opened it revealing Lisa
"Hey girl" she gave me a hug
"Heyyy" I hug her back,I then took her to the living room where my mum was...
"Ah,ajumma" Lisa immediately went to hug eomma
"You've grown a lot" my mom patted her back while hugging her
Lisa smiled while getting up

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