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They both entered his car and sat down with their drinks,y/n ordered a hot chocolate since it was cold today while on the other hand,jungkook ordered an ice latte.
They took a sip of their drinks,y/n with finished very quickly,jungkook then finished after her.

While y/n was on her phone,jungkook kept an eye on what she was looking through,he noticed she was scrolling through Instagram,he got mad when he saw a few men's post she was liking..eventually when she liked another mans post...he aggressively grabbed her phone of her hands.
Y/n immediately tried to take it off him but he ended up blocking all the users he saw that were males...
"Jungkook..wtf?!!!" She exclaimed while she got her phone back from him
"Don't me call me jungkook..I'm your boyfriend nearly husband" he said while starting his car engine and taking secret glances of her.
He remembered that y/n wanted to go to a party so he decided to drive to a fancy clothes shop,it wasn't far from the coffee shop..yet y/n didn't know where he was taking her due to how fixed she was onto her phone.

A few minutes later,y/n noticed that his car stopped,in fact she realised that he'd stopped to go somewhere.
"Let's get a dress for you" he glanced at her while removing his car and taking his seatbelt off
"Wait...I have one at my house" she regretted this whole teasing thing,he took it too serious but she went with the flow.
They left their car and walked to the luxury dress shop.As they entered,jungkook had already made his way around the shop,y/n looked around then place...a young women approached her,she was dressed like she works here
~Y/n POV~
The lady approached me,she bowed before speaking to me
"What kind of dress are you looking for Ma'am?" Her voice was sweet yet kind
Just before I could reply to her request,jungkook came to us,his hand was holding onto mine.
"Do you have a luxury party dress?" He asked her the lady "Of course we do sir" she replied
She took us to a room full of dresses,they were simple but yet beautiful,I let go of jungkooks hand to admiring the place,I examined all the dresses until jungkook called me from behind,I turned to him and saw he had a dress on his hand.
"What about this one...it'll look beautiful on you"
He seemed to like it..........it looked okay but too expensive,luckily it wasn't too revealing
"It's okay but it looks worth a lot of money" I walked to him to see the dress...yep...it was definitely a lot,I checked the tag from inside the dress....it said $7,980.
"Your nearly my wife so I want to buy you a dress" he said casually since the lady was still here with us....
Without me giving my reply back,he'd already went to buy it.....where the hell does he get this amount of money from?!
I left the room and went to the till were jungkook was,I tried to take him away and admit that I was teasing him but he'd already bought the dress....shit....what have I done?!!

"Here...I want you to put it on here,I bought a suit for me too...as soon as your ready,we'll head there" he held my shoulder before handing the dress over to me and went to change into his clothes..I felt bad for making him buy it but he deserved it...he's a playboy and I'll eventually leave him.
I headed to a changing room and tried the dress on,as it fitted on,I adjusted the bottom and fixed the top half of it,I looked at the rectangular mirror in-front of me and admired the dress,as I left the changing room,I asked the worker to put some light makeup on me,she applied some foundation,eyeshadow and lipstick on..she then added highlighter on my cheeks and nose...she was now done.
"Waa..ma'am...you literally have natural beauty" she said as she removed the brush from my cheeks.

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