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a few minutes later,the collect till called out their number

"order 306" the lady exclaimed through the other loud noises speaking over her,jungkook headed over to the till while y/n followed from behind,he grabbed their drinks before leaving the crowded area.

Once they headed out,jungkook grabbed y/n's and Lisa's drink from the cup holder and passed it to her,she took it from his hands.

"thanks" her tone was cold and low,she was grateful he paid for it but yet was confused on why he was doing this.
Jungkook was surprised about what she'd just said,he smiled while y/n was taking a sip of her drink....

"sooo....you can be nice??"he caught her attention,she immediately stopped sipping her drink and gave him a death stare,he chuckled at her reaction and got out his drink.

"i'm going to go now.....don't follow me" y/n walks away while jungkook glances at her before making his way out,his friend Taehyung was still ordering inside..he waited for him then headed home.

~Y/n POV~
i headed to where the toilets where,lisa texted me saying that she'd be outside the toilet,as i went....i didn't see her outside them,i looked around and saw her sitting on a bench scrolling through her phone,i headed to her,as i walked,the breeze became stronger...
"Took your time ayy" Lisa put her phone down while y/n gave her her drink
"Sorry" y/n took a seat beside her and sipped her drink
"So..did anything happen between you too?" Lisa asked curiously
"Well not really but he payed for our drinks,he said it was a treat"
Lisa immediately stopped and put her drink down,she got up and went to a near by bin and threw it away
"Unnie..why'd you waste it?!" I was totally confused by her actions

~Author POV~
"It tasted bad anyways....let's go clothes shopping" she took y/n's wrist and took her inside the mall
Once they headed out..they went to the shop and looked around,Lisa was obsessed with the shop but y/n was different,she doesn't like spending too much money,she gives charity and sometimes work part time for the people in need.

Lisa was wondering around the shop looking for clothes that would catch her attention,she found a shirt that was totally her type,she took it of the railing and bought it down to her to see if it was her body length
"Y/n..what do you think?" She turned to me with the shirt on top of her...y/n thought it looked okay but knew she had many similar shirts like that design
"Is that the one you want?" Y/n walked to Lisa and checked the shirt out
"Yep,it's nice,I think I'll buy it" Lisa replied

~Y/n POV~
While Lisa went to the till to pay I looked around to see if I wanted anything,I found these black ripped jeans,I loved them,I picked them up and went to see in the mirror to see if it was okay,once I decided,I payed for it then headed out of the shop
I suddenly felt my phone ringing from my bag,I checked who it was......it was eomma
"Lisa...my mom is phoning me...you carry on" She answered her call while Lisa went back to choose her clothes
~Phone call~
Y/n:eomma..you okay?
Mom:yes I'm okay sweetie
Y/n:why did you phone by the way?
Mom:I have a friend coming round today,I need you to get home,she also wants to meet you
Y/n:do I have to leave now?
Mom:yes sweetie
Y/n:okay I'm coming
~End of phone call~

"Unnie,I have guests coming round my house,I have to go" She went to Lisa to tell her that she had to leave
"It's okay,go ahead" she smiled while hugging me
"Who will take you home then?"
"My appa,don't worry" she replied

I then took my leave and headed to the parking lot where my car was,I headed in and started the engine,just as i drove off,a black car drove right next to mine,I opened my window to see who it was...
"JUNGKOOK!" He's literally everywhere I go
"Chill,I ain't following kitten,I have somewhere to go" he drove off,I was hoping he wasn't heading my direction but
it seems like he was,he was going through the whole route to my house

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