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"You sure your not hurt" he took y/n's hand and examined it with his eyes,she moved her hand away
"I don't get you...I've know you as the cold playboy but now your acting like the complete opposite" y/n words we're getting jungkook engaged to make his reply back.
He laughs darkly..while y/n gave a questioned look
"I'll tell you privately" he smirks continuing the his work he was currently doing,

Y/n then poured the rice jungkook rinsed and added other ingredients into it,on the other hand,jungkook was getting all the bowls and utensils needed for today.
While y/n was stirring the rice,she heard her phone vibrate,she looked at it and saw that it was Lisa,just before she was going to answer it,jungkook grabbed her wrist,
She turned to him with no expressions..
"Don't pick it up.." he was still holding grip of her wrist
"But why...why do you hate her?" This whole situation was concerning y/n a lot
"Look..I want to tell you,but like I said...I'll tell you privately"
Y/n understood the situation and obeyed jungkooks request,he eventually let go of her wrist and set out the table,he performed it very nicely and headed over to the sink to put the equipment that wasn't need any more away....
𒊹︎10 minutes later𒊹︎
Y/n's kimchi fried rice was now done,she left it to cool and called her mom and Jungkooks mom to make their way to the kitchen,they all headed inside and took their seats,jungkook was still making the drinks,he then came over to the table and laid them out,y/n then came in with table decorations to make it more fancy.

"Daebak...you two did a fabulous job" jungkooks mom praised both of them for their creative hard work.
"Thank u" y/n and jungkook both responded together,they both took their seats,jungkook sat next to y/n while their mom were on the opposite side.
Jungkook poured the drinks for everyone he deliberately gave y/n less knowing girls go wild when they're drunk.

They all took their plates and grabbed the food they were craving,once everyone had a full plate,they all clicked their glasses together before tucking in,they took a a photo of the food....once they were done,the tucked in...they took more bites before sipping more of their drink.

"Y/n...this..this is delicious" jungkooks mom took another bite while enjoying every taste that was inside her mouth.
"Thank you ajumma" y/n also takes another bite feeing proud of her dish
"Ah..I nearly forgot,I have news for both of you"
Y/n and jungkook looked up at their moms waiting for the news
"Yes ajumma,what is it?" Y/n asked jungkooks mom,but her mom replied instead.
"Sweetie,we've decided to get you two married next year" Y/n chocked on her food,and tried breathing again,jungkook patted her back while she was continually coughing.

"W-what did you just say?" Y/n asked out while her eyes were the meaning of disbelief
"You two will get married next year,you will eventually make a business company for your future" y/n's mom was completely enjoying the food and explaining to them about the company but not noticing how shocked y/n was.
"But..I can't a-accept" she spoke with her heart knowing that jungkook wasn't her first true love

"Y/n...please,you have too,our whole family made a company,I want you to do the same with jungkook,I sadly couldn't because of your dad so I don't want you to miss that opportunity and jungkook is the perfect guy for you,I've already got an apartment for you two...I want to hear 'I accept' from your mouth" she looked at
y/n hoping she'd agree but already looking at her face,she didn't seem to like where all this was going...
"Y/n....will you accept" jungkooks mom was waiting for her response,tension was growing inside her head,she wanted to accept for her mum but on the other hand...she didn't want to go through Lisa's pain with jungkook,she didn't want to have a fake marriage....

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