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~y/n POV~
I ran into the room I decided to sleep in...I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes into the one jungkook handed me.
As I took my original clothes off,I noticed a small Bruise mark on my left wrist,i knew I didn't have it before so it's probably new,I ignored it's presence and put his shirt on,I wore my current leggings I was wearing before,I unlocked the bathroom door and laid on my bed,I was facing the ceiling blankly...
The sudden thought of getting married to jungkook came into my head,I can't marry him,he...he just....ergh,I don't like him and I still don't know why they made me agree,and know Lisa will be traumatised when hearing my news.
It was past midnight and I decided to go to sleep,I turned the lights off and jumped back on my bed,I decided to sleep on the left side and leave the right just for space,it was completely quiet,I'm guessing jungkook was already sleeping,I turned my body around and drifted to sleep.

~Jungkook POV~
It was already 1 am and I'm still not asleep,I felt hot so I decided to open the windows but I still couldn't manage to sleep,I brush my hands through my hair while turning around finding another spot to comfortably sleep.
I gave up,I can't sleep,until I thought of something...I removed the blanket off me and headed out my room,I was in the corridors walking to another room,I felt the breeze hit my bare chest while leaving my room,I couldn't find many rooms that I could sleep in until I found one on the left side,I twisted the handle opening the door,as I entered....I saw y/n sleeping peacefully,how can she sleep in this state,I crept over to her,she was sleeping on the left side,I went over to the right and sat down admiring her beautiful face,i moved her hair away from her face and rested my legs on the bed,she looked soo comfortable while I couldn't sleep a bit,I noticed a sudden movement from her,she turned to me not noticing I was right next to her...that's it,I can't stand it...I'm sleeping with her.

I went in covering her blanket over my body,she was facing me so I held her head hugging her,I wrapped my legs over hers and closed my eyes,a few minutes later,I already noticed that my eye lids were getting heavy,as I closed my eyes,I saw that y/n had moved again,she went to turn back,her back was facing my face,I still won't let go of her so I put my arms under her body and hugged her.I rested my head onto the pillow while admiring her hair from behind,I eventually fell asleep with her in my embrace
~End of Jungkooks POV~

*The Next Morning*

Y/n and Jungkook were still sleeping while the sun rose reflecting to their duvets,jungkook didn't loose grip at all,he had y/n in his arms for the whole night,yet y/n still didn't notice he was sleeping with her due to the heavy sleep she went through...
An hour later,y/n made sudden movements,as she moved around she turned to the opposite side to sleep until she felt something heavy on her waist,she forced her eyes open to see what it was...as she saw,he eyes widened with shock
She thought she was probably dreaming but later realised that his eyes were open looking at her.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!" She exclaimed in shock.

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