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They entered the party,the went through the entry then to the actually hall where everyone was dancing,on the other side,there were rooms
Y/n knew that they were the rooms were people make out but she had faith that jungkook wouldn't do anything like that.
Jungkook walked to a table full of drinks,y/n followed him and saw that he had already made himself comfortable.
He took a sip of the drink that he took and looked up at y/n,she was standing there uncomfortably while he was sitting down.
"Why don't you sit on my lap baby?" His hands were on his lap showing y/n that it would be comfortable to sit on.
"Weirdo,you think I'm going to sit on your lap but can i sit on his lap?" She used her eyes to show jungkook that man she was talking about,y/n smirked looking at jungkooks angry face.
"You know what....I guess it's about time" he harshly put his glass back down onto the table and stood up with his furious/seductive eyes staring down at y/n.

"Wha-" y/n spoke until she was interrupted by him,he'd took her wrist and headed to the corner of the hall,as soon as they were there,he let go and gently pushed y/n against the wall,it felt like his dark scary soul was staring at her.
Y/n had her arms down next to her waist,she decided to push jungkook away until he'd with no time pinned her arms to the wall,his hands were locked into here's.

He saw that y/n's eyes were become more weaker and scared,she tried moving her pinned arms but of course....it didn't work.

Just before y/n knew it,his lips crashed onto hers,she hesitated to kiss back and tried to move him but he didn't let her,he kissed her patiently.
He let go and pinned her arms with one arm and the other was wrapped her waist.
"If you don't want your punishment....kiss me back" he challenged her,he kissed her again while having grip of her waist..his tongue traveled inside her mouth,he explored her mouth,yet y/n didn't respond until she felt his tongue on hers.
She kissed him back exploring his mouth,jungkook enjoyed it while on the other hand,y/n didn't.
"Good girl" he whispered to her before using his tongue technique to kiss her back again.
She kissed him back using the same technique hoping he would stop but eventually,he kissed her while moving towards a room.....y/n stopped and let go
"Can we stop" she pleaded while he looked at her with no expression
"No..if you want to be forgiven then we'll carry on if not,I'll make sure you scream my name" a smirk was drawn on his face looking at her temptly
"W-what a-are you gonna d-do?" She asked while her eyes were full of fear,she was in a room alone with jungkook,he locked the door behind her.
He then approached he manly and pecked her lips

"Please don't be scared of me" he looks deeply down at her while wiping her tears away,he cupped her cheeks.
"How c-can I trust you?" She stuttered while tears continuously fell down her cheeks
"Please trust me baby,you think of me as a playboy but I want to truly be your husband because I truly love you..I want you to feel the same" he held her hands massaging them gently
"I would but I'm scared you'll hurt me like you did with Lisa" y/n spoke the truth because she slightly fell for him.
She noticed jungkook looked down thinking she'll leave him.
"I promise I won't,my friend forced me to date her,as soon as I did,she didn't fit my type,she would show off because I was dating her so I broke up with her,she got angry because I never kissed her or did romantic things but I wanted you as my first kiss when I met you,that's why she's making you avoid me,the first day I met you at the club,I fell for you and I know I was harsh that day but I just deeply fell in love with you but I thought it's just because of your appearance but the day we met at the café,I knew I'll never fall out of love because of you"
Jungkook still held her hands while looking at her,his eyes were full of love and happiness.

"B-but...your a playboy" she said,she looked at him while sniffing since she cried.
"I was before....but I found my true love"
Y/n looked at him,it felt like she was staring into his heart,she could tell he truly did love her,she smiled cutely making jungkook wonder what she was thinking.

~Y/n POV~
I removed his hands from mine and put my arms around his neck,I adjusted my position and looked at his eyes deeply,without noticing,jungkooks already had his arms on my waist.
I leaned in to kiss him,he kissed me back passionately,I kissed him even more....

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