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I immediately broke it and walked to the apartment park,I could hear that he was laughing...he followed me until we reached the entry of the Apartment.
"So..we're getting married soon" he put his arm over my shoulders
I gave him a death stare and removed his arm of my shoulders,I walked in to the door of the apartment waiting for him to come over.
"How do we get in?" I asked him while he was figuring out my answer,I noticed that he took out a card from his back pocket
"I thinks it's this" he hands me the card,I then swipe it until it unlocks...
~Author POV~
Jungkook and y/n entered their apartment,it was huge,it even had a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling,there were fancy waiting tables and the floor was shinny...as they walked,they noticed a young man dressed very formally
"You must Lee y/n and Jeon Jungkook" he bowed down to them.
"Yes and you are?" Jungkook looked at him with his right eyebrow raised
"I'm a domestic worker here and we have 2 maids here for you,welcome" he leads them to the main entry

Y/n and jungkook then made their way to a room,they looked around the area and familiarised themselves with which room was for...y/n headed to another room,they had a massive king sized bed,there was a luxury Sofa next to the massive square sized window,the view was like a fantasy view from up high..
Jungkook then entered the same room
"So we're sharing a bed right?" He threw him on the bed while resting his head on his arm,he looked at y/n's figure when she was admiring the outside view.
"WHAT NO!!" She exclaimed as she turned around with a disgusted face on.
"C'mom baby...your mine now,we're getting married next year" he said as he turned his body to lay straight,he was facing the ceiling.
"No we're not...I'll make sure we don't" with than y/n was about to take her leave until jungkook got off the bed and grabbed her,his right hand was on her mouth while the other was around her waist,he had a tight grip on her waist meaning y/n had no way to escape.
"Don't you dare" he said in a cold husky tone,he said it to her ear giving y/n shivers down her spine.
He then took his hand off her mouth and laid his head onto y/n's collarbone,he wrapped both of his hands around her waist and kissed her neck.
"YAA...WHAT YOU DOING?!!" She exclaimed while moving away from him,he laughed darkly
She immediately headed to another room,she noticed that there was a bed so she called it her room.

She then headed back to the room jungkook was in,she noticed that he was already in bed....shirtless,he was scrolling through his phone while the blanket was up to his chest,as y/n came in he looked at her with a confused expression.
"Uhm...my mom asked if I could share clothes with you...just for today" she looked down while speaking in a nervous tone
"Sure..I'll get it for you" jungkook then removed his blanket revealing him with only joggers and his bare abs,just before he was going to get off his bed,y/n stopped him."no no,I'll get it" she said while covering her eyes knowing that jungkook had no shirt on.
*laughs* "you've never seen a man shirtless" he starts walking to her even though her eyes were still covered,he removed her hands and held them.
"Why don't you enjoy the view?" He said while smirking,y/n's eyes were wide open,she didn't expect him to be that close to her with not shirt on,she tried pushing him even though her hands were locked with his,as she pushed him harder she lost her balance and fell backwards.....jungkook quickly put his hand behind her head to protect it if she fell straight to the floor,they were both now on the ground,jungkook other hand was around he waist while y/n's hands were on his bare chest,he fixed his eyes onto
y/n ,she then realised that she was touching him and got up brushing herself off,jungkook got up and grabbed an oversized shirt for her,he handed it to her,y/n took it then quickly ran to her room.

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