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"I couldn't sleep so I slept with you" jungkook said simply as if it wasn't a big deal
"Your kidding right..you slept with a girl you don't even know well........and your Fucking shirtless!!" y/n was completely loosing it,she hid under the covers waiting for jungkook to get up first but he ended up going under the covers with her.
Y/n looked at him with an annoyed expression,jungkook smiled at her cuteness,he was totally loving it.

Y/n ignored him and removed the duvet,she was staring at the ceiling in complete silence until she received a call,she lifted her head up lazily to check who it was,it was Lisa...she then remembered that she couldn't answer her call yesterday so she had to answer it today.
She grabbed the phone and answered it
\\Phone call//               *on speaker*
Lisa:Y/N...WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN ANSWERING MY CALLS?!!!" as she shouted,y/n removed the phone from her ear waiting for Lisa to finish speaking.
Y/n:sorry,I was really busy
Lisa:doing what?
Jungkook immediately got up annoyedly and took the phone off y/n,he then answered it himself
Jungkook:"she said she was busy so leave her alone!" He exclaimed slightly,y/n looked at him hoping Lisa would believe his words but jungkook had already but ended the call.
~End of call~

"Why'd you end it?" Y/n asked him with a concerned face on
"Because I don't want you talking to her..your mine now so your my property" he looked at her with coldness in his eyes
"I don't want to hear that from you" y/n got off her bed and went to the bathroom,she decided to stay in the same clothes since her clothes haven't arrived yet,once she was done doing her morning routine,she headed out and let jungkook go in,she headed back to their bed and cleaned it,she organised everything making it look nicer.

~Y/n POV~
Once I finished organising the shelf's,jungkook came out of the bathrooom,his hair damp,wet,he had one towel around his neck and once wrapped around his lower body,my eyes widened as I looked at him,it felt like he was teasing me,as his gave fixed on mine,a smirk was drawn on his face,I didn't no whether this meant harm or not..snapping out of my daze,i speed walked to the door and made my way downstairs,I still wasn't able to visit all the room but I loved the design of this apartment,I couldn't stop admiring its beauty,it felt like I was a massive celebrity.

Once I headed to the kitchen,I realised there was nothing in the fridge,of course there weren't,we'd just moved in yesterday,I then got my car keys ready to hop onto my car until I heard footsteps approaching me from behind,I turned to them and saw jungkook,this time...he was dressed properly,he had an oversized white jumper with black jeans.
"Uhm...do you have any spare hoodies..I can't go like this?" I asked him while he examined  the clothes I was wearing.
"I have one upstairs" he said while heading to the kitchen completely ignoring that I was here.
"Aren't you going to tell me where in the room it is.....whatever" I madly go back upstairs to find the hoodie,I headed in every room he was in before,I couldn't find the hoodie until there was one room left,as I made my way to the last room,I saw a massive built in wardrobe,I approached it without hesitation,I examined every draw until I found a hoodie,it was black..as i held it up,it seemed like an oversized one,I immediately put it over my current shirt and headed back downstairs.

Once I was in the kitchen I noticed jungkook sitting on the couch with his hood up and watching tv,this was my time to finally leave without him as my personal guard or something...
I took a few steps to the door,I grabbed the keys and slowly twisted the handle of the door,once it was half open,I took my leave until I felt my hood being pulled back inside....SHIT....he caught me.
"Where are you going my love?" His hand was still on my hood as I looked at him nervously.
"I was going to get s-something to eat" I spat out my words hoping it was a good enough excuse.
"You can't go without me...I'll take you there" he let go of me and grabbed his keys from the kitchen Counter
"Wasn't your car at my house?" I asked him in confusion
"I called a friend to bring it here" he grabbed my hand and intertwined them together,I couldn't handle it but he held it even tighter...we walked outside and headed to his car,he opened the front passenger door for me,I took my seat...then he closed the door before heading to the drivers seat.

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