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~I was sitting on my seat as the cold breeze entered the atmosphere,I opened the schools window a bit wider,it was the last lesson of today so I was now able to relax,I smiled as I noticed a family of birds on a tree,they seemed to be a nest too,I also managed to see the cute baby bird,they are lucky they have a complete family,while I only had my mom which was enough for me but I'll never ever forget what my dad did 5 years ago..tf,why'd I call him dad,he's a fucking bastard~

I came back from a hard day from school,just before I entered my house,I noticed bottles of soju all over our garden,I'm guessing it's something normal,but as soon as I went inside,I saw my dad holding the glass bottle of soju in his hand aiming it at my mom,but it wasn't an ordinary aim,he was aiming it at her,I ran to try stop him but he had already hit her,I cried my eyes out,my mom head was bleeding nonstop,he tried to hit her again until I protected her with my back,he ended up hitting me,the glass then broke,he immediately went out taking his bag,as he ran,I saw a few cash come out of his bag
I then turned back to my mom,she cupped my cheek while looking at me with a traumatised face on,I was a crying mess,as I reached out for my phone...my hand started bleeding,I felt something sharp,the glass that broke from my back went into my hand,I hesitated to heal it,I then called the ambulance to heal my mum..luckily they were near,they came under five minutes,they immediately took my mum,I followed them Into the ambulance,then one of the staffs approached me
"Ma'am,let's clean your wound" I looked at my hand before looking back at the staff,she seemed really nice,I smiled and nodded,she grabbed her kit and cleaned my wound,I looked at my mom,she smiled at me,knowing that she'll be okay..
~End of Flashback~

I waited for the teacher to come,just before she did,my best friend Lisa entered the class room,her desk was next to mine.

"Y/n-ni.." she got her arms out waiting for me to respond to it

Without hesitation,I got up from my seat and hugged her back,she and my mom were the only people I loved the most in this world
I rested my chin on her shoulder while she gently rubs my back knowing how much I go through everyday..
I then released the hug
"Thanks,I really needed a hug" I smile cutely
"I got your back..I always will" she smiles at me while I chuckle...she can be cute and annoying at the same time
I looked behind her and noticed that the teacher entered the class
"The teachers here,let's take our seat" I quietly tell her so she could take her seat

As we take our seats,more students enter,just a few minutes later,we were our ordinary full house..the lesson started,I grabbed my book and textbook out of my bag,I also grab my pencil case..I start taking notes of today's lesson,as I wrote the sentence,I look back at the board and wrote the next,eventually,my page was full,I then moved on to the next but I answered questions instead

"Okay class,you have 15 minutes left until the end,remember,this is your last week,I want you to start new when you come back to class next year" the teacher says while writing the next question on the board...

I answered my last two questions from the board until I was completely finished,I rested back and leaned on my chair,I closed my books and my pencil case and put them back into my bag,I then looked over to Lisa,she was still answering the questions,I smiled seeing the way she's working so hard,she's normally all over boys but the one boy she hated was Jungkook..I don't know if that's his name but she mentioned that he's a playboy,they dated for 2 weeks until he broke her heart,honestly,if I was able to meet him,I would of killed him by now!

"Class Dismissed"
As soon as I heard that phrase,I got up from my seat and headed to Lisa,wow,she was still answering the questions
"Aigoo..you're still doing it?"
I peak over her back to see what she wrote,I noticed that one question wasn't answered properly but I didn't want to ruin her mood so I kept it to myself.......we all make mistakes right?

"Done" Lisa stretched her arms out,she then got up from her seat and put her stuff into her bag
"Let's finally go home" Lisa then put her arms onto my shoulder

As we left the classroom,we were headed to the schools exit,damn,as soon as we went outside,it felt like the spotlight was on us,the sun was shining beautifully,and also included the cool breeze..

"Ahh,unnie,are you free today?" I asked while holding my bag with my left hand
She then makes a sad face "mhm..well,I'm not really but depends on where your going?" She said
"I'm going to the pub,I want all my stress and worries to exit my body before new year" I said as I turned to her
"Your not coming" I make a cute/sad face hoping she'd come but I could tell she was busy,I mean,she's always busy,her parents work at a famous business company,more famous than my moms one.
"I'm sorry,but tomorrow,I promise,I'll be free,we can go to a amusement park okay" she holds my shoulder,I nod cutely

We eventually split up,our homes were at different destinations,I walked out to my home street,without noticing,I was already near my home...it came to the thought of where my mom was but I remembered that she went to her sisters house,she informed me that she'll come back late today.

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