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He kissed me back passionately while I had my arms on his neck,he tightened the grip on my waist.
I then released the kiss,as he looked at me with his cute eyes...he got his lips together pouting waiting for me to respond to it.
"You want more kisses?" I asked while looking at him in his embrace
"Yes baby" he responded coming closer to me,I quickly pecked his lips and hugged him,I was on my top toes reaching to hug him,I rested my head on top of his shoulder while he rested his head on mine.

"I promise I'll never hurt you" he hugged me even tighter kissing my collarbone.
"If you do I'll actually make sure I leave the country" once I said it,I noticed that he went quiet hiding his head onto my neck.
His arms were still wrapped around my waist,I let go of him but he still had the grip on me.
"You okay" I tried to lift his head but he kept hiding it from me,he then rested his head on my collarbone still hugging me while I gently rubbed his back.
"Thank you for accepting me" his voice was soft and calm.
He let go of my embrace and looked deeply into my eyes

~Author POV~
Y/n smiled at his actions
"Of course i'd accept you but remember what I said..........if u cheat,you know the drill?" She said walking out the room.
Y/n heads back to the party and jungkook followed from behind catching up with her pace.
He noticed that y/n headed to a bar full of drinks,she intended to take a sip but jungkook stopped her.
"Babe...you're gonna get drunk" he took the glass from her hands and put it back onto the table.
"I won't...I don't drink a lot" she got the glass jungkook took away from her and finally took her first sip,he looked at her figuring out if this was a good idea.
Eventually y/n finished drinking and sat down at an empty table,she was honestly...a bit drunk so she thought resting would help it go away,on the other hand jungkook was next to her holding her hand while scrolling through his phone,y/n did the same but she was on TikTok,jungkook obviously kept an eye on her to witness what she was watching.
~Jungkook POV~
I kept an eye on y/n every few minutes to see what she was seeing but luckily,they weren't boys.
I went on Facebook checking updates and news,as I scrolled,I came up to a page.
"A Man in his 50s has murdered at least 27 people within 10 minutes,he supposably killed more which is in discussion right now,the murderer had escaped saying "the next target is my wife"
Please stay safe and stay home to citizens living in Seoul"
~Local Seoul news~

"Babe,have you seen the news?" I asked her,I seemed to have distracted her from something but she still answered me
"No,what is it?" Y/n looked over to jungkooks phone,at first,she read the news then saw the picture of the murder.

~y/n POV~
I looked over to see what the news was,I read everything that was shown until I approached a familiar photo,I look a closer look before my eyes started to tear up without noticing.I took the phone off him to take an even closer look....I was right...he is a murder.
Constant tears fell down my cheeks just looking at one photo.
"Babe,why are you crying...do you know him?" He looked at me holding my hands to calm me down.
"H-he's my d-dad" I stuttered every word while tears escaped my eyes
Since I was sitting down,my legs started shaking with fear,I stood up wiping my tears until I felt his hand holding mine.
"Babe...come here."
He stood up spreading his arms out,I looked up at him with a sad face on.
He stepped closer to me and pulled me to a hug,I hugged him back forgetting everything I witnessed
His hand gently rubbed my back while my head was hiding onto his chest.
"I have to s-see my m-mom..what if he k-killed her" the more I spoke,the more I cried
"We will baby,come let's go"
I released the hug and walked with him to his car,we headed out of the party,I noticed that my phone was out of battery so I wasn't able to phone my mom.
Just before I headed into his car,a weird dark voice called me from behind
"Y/n" he called out my name again,I closed the car door and turned to face the owner of the voice.

As I looked at him..my eyes widened with fear while my hands were non stop shaking.
It was my father............AKA....The Murderer
As I looked at him with terror in my eyes,I heard jungkooks footsteps heading to me,he held my hand protecting me from my 'father'
"You're looking for your mother aren't you y/n?" His voices was exactly like the past but in fact,it turned more evil with every word he would say.
More tears fell down my cheeks while looking at him with complete fear.
He took closer steps to us until I heard a sudden scream.
Jungkook pulled me away from my dad and closer to him.
"Don't be scared of your own father y/n...all I need is your mum dead" his hand travelled down his pocket taking out a gun
He then pointed the gun to the left side of him,I followed his hand direction to the car the gun was pointing at,as I looked closer to what was in the car........my mum was there with a tight cloth on her mouth,I saw her banging onto the window looking at me.
I let go of jungkooks hand and run to the car
"Y/N...STOP!!" I heard my boyfriend shout from behind
I headed to my mum and tried opening the car door
"Eomma...please don't leave me" I was cried aloud.
I tried opening the door but it didn't unlock,I turned to my father wiping my tears away walking to him,before I could speak to him,jungkook had already punched him at the back from behind causing him to fall,he kicked him up and down in the stomach and gave a final kick,he took the gun from my fathers hand ,I quickly ran to him stopping his from punching my father again
"Babe..stop,it's fine...he'll eventually die" I held his hands calming his anger down,he nodded holding my shoulders out of breath
I then turned back round to the car still holding onto jungkook.................the car was gone!

A sudden gunshot was heard near
our direction..............

Guys I've officially made a yt channel where I will post my one shots pls do like and support army

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Guys I've officially made a yt channel where I will post my one shots pls do like and support army

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