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Jungkook put his seatbelt on while I did the same,he started the engine while I rested my head onto the back seat,I was still tired but did sleep for quite long,I looked through the window while leaning onto my seat.
"So what do you want to eat for breakfast ?" I could tell he was looking at me but I didn't dare to look back.
"I just want a warm drink" I said still admiring the roads we were driving on
"Baby..why don't you look at me?" He looked at me again,just before I was going to talk back to him,he held my hand,he intertwined them together and kissed my hands,there was no way I could let go,he would get us in a car accident.

~Author POV~
"Soo you like holding my hand?" He glanced at her while driving with one hand,a smirk was drawn onto his face
"No...if I let go,you'll get mad and get us into an accident" she said simply
"Just you wait,you'll fall for me..." he raised his hand meaning y/n hand went up to showing their intertwined hands together.
"Okay...I could fall for you...but I'll break you heart....cause I'll become the international playgirl" y/n smirked evilly leaving jungkook in complete shock,he liked her attitude but hopes she'd never break his heart.
"Okay princess..lets wait,you'll regret it if you dare to break me heart" his tone slightly changed but it didn't mean anything to y/n...she's become more independent and strong.
"Okay babyboy" y/n tone also changed,this meant everything to jungkook,he was surprised that she'd act like this and called him 'babyboy'
Jungkook held y/n's hand even tighter while y/n did the same,he then put their intertwined hands on his lap,y/n didn't hesitate and let him do whatever he wanted to do with her.
As jungkook was driving,y/n decided to tease him,she knew that she'd be with him for the rest of her life so why not have some fun with him.
"Why don't we go to a party today?" She looked
at him with her powerful eyes staring at him.
"Okay what kind of party?" Inside jungkook was feeing over the moon,he'd never thought y/n would actually be like this.
"Uhm..a one where people make out and dance" her tone sounded more evil but cute the same time
Jungkooks eyes widened
He took time to think of his answer,he knew what he wanted but couldn't take driving no more,he wanted to do something now with her..
"Y/n...are you okay,you sure you want to go to that kind of party?" He raised an eyebrow while talking to her
"Yes babe" she quickly turned to the window to hold her laugh,she couldn't take jungkooks reaction
"Fuck...I just wanna kiss you!!!" He shouted as the car stopped to park next to the coffee shop.
Y/n couldn't stop hiding her laugh,she was lucky jungkook didn't notice
"Can we go and get our breakfast baby" y/n looked at him knowing he loved what she was doing...she opened her car door while jungkook did the same,she took his hand and headed to the coffee shop.
Once they headed in,they ordered their drinks,they went to a corner and waited,y/n intertwined his hand with hers instead of holding his hand,jungkook then pulled her to him and hugged her,his arms were around her neck hugging her comfortably,y/n played with it and hugged his waist,she rested her head onto his chest hiding her laugh.
A few seconds later y/n released the hug and sweetly smiled at him,she loved the way jungkook easily fell for her.
The till called out their order number,y/n went to collect it while jungkook was waiting outside,as she headed outside,she saw jungkook,he come up to her and held her hand,y/n walked with him thinking about when she'd tell him the truth of this whole....teasing thing.

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