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~The Next Morning~
The sun was shining through my silk curtains,it then reflected to my bed,my morning view was always beautiful,i gently rubbed my eyes so I could be wide awake,I turned to my right and saw Lisa sleeping peacefully,i removed my duvet off me and quietly walked to my bathroom,just before I went in,I grabbed my clothes for today.

Once I entered,I looked at the mirror and looked at my ugly morning face,I tied my hair into a messy bun,I grabbed my toothbrush and applied some toothpaste onto it,I put it inside my mouth....I brushed my teeth using the up and down motion,I then started brushing the ends,I spit it out and rinsed my brush with water,i splash my face with warm water and put some facial washing foam onto my face,i gently massage my skin,once I was done I dried my face and put some moisturiser on
I patted it on my face with my hands,I grabbed the clothes I picked and changed into them,I also applied light makeup on and brushed my hair

I left the bathroom and saw Lisa,she seemed to be waking up just now
"I'm going to make breakfast now" I say while spraying light morning perfume on
"Okay,I'll be down in ten minutes"
Lisa gets up and heads to the bathroom and completed her morning routine,since me and Lisa are very close friends,she could obviously use the same facial products and clothes as me...

~Author POV~
Y/n headed downstairs,she noticed her mom making pancakes
"Eomma..take some rest,I'll do it" she walks to her mom to help her
"It's ok sweetie,can you just get the plates out for me?" She turned to y/n showing her where the plates where with her left hands while the right hand was adding syrup onto the pancakes
"Okay" y/n goes to get the plates,she lays them on the table and grabs some drinks

After a few minutes,Lisa came downstairs,she helped y/n with the utensils,once they were done,they sat down while y/n's mom came in with their breakfast,she took a seat beside them
"Thank you ajumma" Lisa then takes her pancake and adds her toppings on.
"No problem love" y/n's mum replied

We all tucked in,everyone enjoyed their pancakes,in fact they all went for seconds,when they finished they cleared the table and y/n washed the dishes from yesterday and today,Lisa then decided to vacuum downstairs and upstairs..as soon as they were done,they decided to go out as Lisa promised yesterday

~Y/n POV~
"Unnie,let's go now" I waited for Lisa outside,she's always taking long to get ready
"Coming" a few minutes later...OF WAITING....she finally came,today I decided to take my car
I headed to the drivers seat while Lisa sits on the passengers seat,once we were settled/comfy,I started the engine
"So where should we go?" I say while pressing the button to roll my window down to receive the fresh air that was blocked by closed window
"Let's go get boba tea" she said cheerfully
"Okay..I also want to get the strawberry cake,I heard it's famous for that place"
I started to drive faster since the road was empty
"You eat a lot don't you" she turned to me giving that evil look
"YAAA..SHOULD I KICK YOU OUT?!!" I exclaimed
"No no no..I was only joking....chill y/n"
I laughed at her reaction,she's too easy going

~20 Minutes Later~
We arrived at the famous boba place,I parked my car and grabbed my bag,as Lisa came out,I locked the car with my keys and headed to the place
As we got in,we took a mini menu leaflet,just in case if we wanted to order something else
We walked to an empty table near the window,I sat opposite Lisa,we read the menu and decided what we wanted to order.
"I'll go order now" I say as I get up from my seat and took my bag with me..
"Okay...but remember,I want 50 percent of ice okay"
"I know unnie" I say as I headed to the till,there was a small queue,I stood behind a family of 3

More people started entering the café
I was still queueing until I got pushed,i immediately turn around to see who it was...he had a black bucket hat with a black mask,in fact,he was wearing all black
"Excuse me..can you watch were your going?!" I shout only for him to hear
He removed his mask revealing his true identity...as he took it off including his hat.....MY FUCKING JAWS DROPPED!!!!!!

It was jungkook and his Friend I bumped into the other day,I immediately turn back round hoping he didn't notice my presence

"Hey girl,I mean.....y/n" I recognised his voice,it was a cold dark tone,I completely ignored him,until he suddenly queued up right next to me,I moved to the side hoping I could fit to the next queue but he pulled me back to him
"I'll pay for your order..it's my treat" he said as he went down to whisper to my ear
"No,I don't need you to treat me..now can you please leave...Lisa is here" I say to him without making any eye contact with him.

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