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Y/n was still thinking of her answer,she had no choice so she eventually just had to agree
"I a-accept" she puts her knife and fork down knowing that her whole life will change to that one decision she made.
"Thank you soo much y/n....jungkook do you accept too?" His mom asked him truly
"Yes,I accept" he made an instant reply
Their parents were very proud of their decisions...

They all finished their food and was still trying to finish their drinks,y/n was feeling sad and depressed..she didn't want to accept but did with straight words..jungkook on the other hand was non stop pouring more alcohol onto his glass,his mom then received a sudden call,she got up from her seat,the call was from her current company
"I'm sorry,I have to go,this call is important" she headed out and left
It was now jungkook,y/n and her mom,they started drinking more...they eventually felt bloated
"Y/n...your going to be staying in the new apartment for you and jungkook,I'll send the address just before you leave" her mom left the table while y/n was left with shock,she wasn't ready to stay in a same building with jungkook,she turned to him and saw that he was...very....very...very...drunk
~Y/n POV~
What am I going to do in life???I'm stuck with a man I don't even love....
I saw that jungkook was going to take another glass of alcohol,I stopped him while he looked at me with a confused expression.
"Come,let's go" I get up from my seat but he didn't,he looked like he just came out of bed,he was a literal baby,how can I take him home?!!!
I took his hand but he was too strong,I tried again until he pulled my wrist and placed me onto his lap,his arms were wrapped around my waist while I was stuck in his embrace,as he breathed,I could smell the filthy alcohol coming out of his mouth.
"Hey baby" he tightened his grip on my waist and rested his head on my back,I moved holding his heavy head while getting off his lap.
"Jungkook..get up,we have to leave" this time I used all my force to lift him,it surprisingly worked,I put his left arm around my neck and held his waist,we took a few steps to the door
"Eomma,we're going now,and can you send me the address" I said loudly hoping she heard what I said,I then saw her coming downstairs with her bed gown on
"Okay sweetie,I just sent it and your belongings will be sent there tomorrow so just wear some of Jungkooks clothes,since he has everything there" she noticed that I was uncomfortably holding jungkook and immediately made her way to us...
"Oh my,what happened?!" She came to put jungkooks right arm around her neck
"He's drunk..just help me get to my car and I'll come back and Ill get jungkooks car another day"
We both then took slow steps outside,my mom nearly lost her grip until I caught her,just two steps later,we were now in my car.
"I'll get going then" I waved my mum goodbye while getting jungkook in the back seat,he was very drunk that he couldn't feel anything nor open his eyes,I laid him down before closing the door,I hoped on the drivers seat and started the engine..
It was becoming midnight soon,i intentionally drove faster to the address eomma sent me,I was looking at the directions on my phone while driving,it mentioned that there could be traffic so I risked it and went through the busy road,as I was driving,I heard sudden movements from behind me,I decided to stop to see if he was awake,his eyes started open but closed again,I stared at his figure to see if he was actually waking up, a few minutes of waiting,he was still in his state so I carried on driving..
We now arrived at the location given,I checked the area out,it seemed pretty nice and friendly,I then found our apartment we'd we staying for now,it was bigger than what I expected,it had big windows and I'm sure it would have a good view from up there..

I turned my cars engine off headed outside,I then opened jungkooks door and looked at his traumatising state,i shake my head...it looked like I kidnapped him,I pull his legs to me so they could touch the ground until I suddenly see his eyes starting open wider than before....I hoped he was gonna wake up....as his body moved,he was full awake looking at me like I'm about to rape or murder him.
"Chill,I was just gonna get you out...your not drunk no more right?" I asked him while he was stretching his arms,he came out slowly but lost his balance,I grabbed him before thinking that he's fall back into my car,my hands were still on him and my eyes were nonstop looking up at him while his cold had fixed on mine...

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