It had been two years since the day King Robert Baratheon entered Winterfell to name Eddard Stark as his Hand. Two years since the peaceful days were over. And two years since a deserter from the Night's Watch had spoken of the return of the White Walkers before being executed.
While the rest of the world ignored such whispers, the crows of the Night's Watch could not. While Jon marched with the Wildlings to their base, his brothers had been attacked by the same beings the rest of the world thought of as only myths and legends. It was only through some miracle that some were able to make it out alive.
But as much as the dead neared, outside of the Lands of Always Winter, no one knew of it.
Wings flapped in the sky as four lizard-like creatures flew across it. They went through the clouds and under the sea, enjoying the freedom that came with the far east. Their size following close behind the direwolves.
As the sun fell upon them, their scales brightly glowed. Rhaegal was the most obvious one as he was the largest, his red scales like rubies making him conspicuous no matter where he went. Yet, no matter how large and strong, he could never catch up to Eliria, the golden dragon being the fastest and more agile one of the group.
While the two rushed one after the other, fighting to see who could catch the fish first, Edgon was much slower. The silver dragon lazily flew over the sea, eating whatever the other two left behind. As for the orange dragon, he had only eaten a bit before he returned to his mother to rub his head against her.
"Aegal is still like a child." Gabriel stood two steps behind Rhaenys, his eyes barely hiding the fascination he felt. When he first saw the dragons, they were the size of cats, barely able to spit out a tiny ball of fire to cook their meals.
Not to mention flying, crawling was already hard enough for them. Now, they were faster than the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea. Although their fire was not much to speak of yet, if they continued growing at this speed, it wouldn't be long before they could bring armies and castles to the ground.
Rhaenys tickled the little one who was surprisingly close in size with Rhaegal. "They are all still children. Though, it is true that he has always been stickier than the others. Since the day he was born. How long until we reach Astapor?"
"Soon. Her Highness and her people should be long waiting for you by then... This should be your first meeting with Her Highness, I believe..."
Rhaenys slowly nodded. Due to her grandfather's paranoia, he kept Elia and her children in the palace to ensure Dorne would continue fighting for him. That along with his obsession forced Rhaenys to remain in the Red Keep while the pregnant Rhaella and Viserys went to Dragonstone.
Although that allowed her to meet the Starks and form so many friends in the North, it also cost her mother's and brother's lives. She couldn't say she didn't wish her grandfather had made a different choice back then.
"Our first meeting... It is the first time since I was a child that I will meet someone who shares my name."
A carriage with the Lannister colors rode toward the Red Keep, Lannister soldiers protecting it from every side. The carriage was completely unobstructed, only stopping once it reached the courtyard of the castle.
The door was opened from the outside, the attendant bowing as he waited for the people inside to exit. Two young handmaidens went out first, standing beside the carriage with the attendant, their hands clasped in front of them and their heads lowered, showing only the crown of their heads.

The Northern Dragon
FanfictionAfter the war, Rhaenys Targaryen was saved by Eddard Stark and taken to Winterfell, where she lived for the next 17 years in peace. But with the death of Jon Arryn and the arrival of the King, new dangers close in from all directions. The battle for...