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The people of King's Landing remained on their knees, Rhaenys watching them all silently and only the cries of the baby dragons filling the air.

Finally being shaken awake from her daze, Cersei glared at her men, "What are you waiting for? Capture her! Bring her to me!"

The men hurried to the pyre, but before they could get any closer to her, an arrow pierced right through the eye of one of them, then followed another. Every single one hitting their mark.

Not even bothering in concealing his identity, Ron jumped on the pyre and wrapped a cloth around the Targaryen and the little dragons, slightly shaken himself.

"Shall we go?" he offered her his hand, Rhaenys softly placing hers on his and firmly nodding.

A couple of soldiers tried to surround them, the stag fighting them off with his sword while some more arrows rained on the Lannister men.

Even as she left, the people did not move from their places. Only rising when the soldiers went to follow and blocked their paths, allowing for Rhaenys and Ron to flee.

Michael blew out a puff of air as he waited on the entrance to the Baelor, hands behind his back as he moved to leave with Varys, "I thought she was insane when she told us the plan but..."

"It is insane. After all these years, dragons are back. Creatures of legend not seen by anyone for centuries are back in the realm of men." muttered the Spider lowly.

Once Rhae and Ron got to an alley, a masked man jumped from on top of a roof, an arch in hand and arrows tied on his back, "We must hurry."

"Thank you for this, Ser Qoren." said the snowy-haired woman, the dark-skinned man only nodding his head, "My Princess asked me to. Once we arrive at Dorne you can thank her."

She smiled softly at him and they continued on their way, all the dragons now posed on her shoulders and slightly growling at the movement.

Both men hastily moved in front of her when the Hound suddenly came from the other side, his sword in hand and no expression on his face.

Rhaenys moved from behind them and strode closer to him without any sign of fear, her eyes locking with his as he watched her flawless skin, "I saw them tie you... I saw the fire burn around you..."

"Yes, you did. And yet, here I am, Ser Sandor."

His brown eyes peered at the lizards for a moment before he gazed back into her amethyst orbs, "How...?"

Her lips twitched gently upwards and she tilted her head, "I am Rhaenys Targaryen of the blood of the old Valyria. I am the dragon's daughter. Fire did kill me today. But it also gave me life again."

Two soldiers rushed to them from behind the Hound, one of them yelling, "We've found them!"

She stood unmoving in front of Sandor, the man watching her too before he whipped around and slashed both soldiers in half. "Go!"

When she didn't move from her spot, the Hound snapped again with his back to her, "Go! Leave!"

Ron held her arm and they nodded to one another, the girl giving Sandor one last glance before vanishing in the dark alleys of King's Landing.

But just as this happened in Westeros, another miracle had transpired in Essos.

Daenerys Stormborn had walked into the flames of her husband's funeral pyre where she had laid her three eggs and tied the witch that had caused his death.

She had walked into those flames and once it had burnt away the next morning, she was still there with three roaring dragons posed on her.

From the West and the East, they had been born again and so had their mothers who had been reborn from the flames into this world to reign with Fire and Blood.

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