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Lady Stark didn't share many words with Renly Baratheon after their return from the meeting with Stannis which turned more into a revealer of the truth because of the appearance of Ron. Surprisingly enough, Robert Baratheon had named the only living child of Rhaegar Targaryen as his heir. A girl nonetheless.

Although it wasn't the first time a woman had been named as the heir and there were many who supported Rhaenys's claim to the throne, that didn't change the fact that Westeros was mostly a patriarchy with people being taught since childhood that women must obey their husbands and that all their power came from the men around them.

Though is not like the North had ever expected for that girl to follow that same pattern.

And although no one else had figured it so, Catelyn was very clear that her husband had not allowed for Rhaenys to be educated like a normal lady. He had been afraid of allowing her to learn to fight, but only because he cared for her, in reality, he had no reservations with allowing that child to grow.

For a time, she had not been sure of why he indulged her so, both arguing about it at times, but she had soon understood. More so now. Ned, probably from the very beginning, knew that one day this might happen.

This news also revealed some of the truth of Eddard Stark's actions. His King had named an heir that the Lannisters would never accept. So, to ensure a safe transaction to the throne for Rhaenys he had made the bold plans of recruiting soldiers to take Cersei and Joffrey under custody.

He would have never thought that the plan would backfire in such a manner.

Even if he had been actually sent to Castle Black to join the Night's Watch, there was a high possibility the Lannisters would get rid of him at some point to keep the truth hidden.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't plan for Lord Stark to send a letter to Stannis and for the information in there to have been revealed to outside parties. At some point, such a truth would spread after so many hearing it.

With her mind immersed in deep thoughts, Catelyn hurried her steps back to her tent.

Ron Baratheon was here and he had admitted to being a follower of Rhaenys. If he is supposed to be guarding her life now, then there's a high probability of...

The Tully didn't get to finish her way of thought as she arrived at her tent and strode inside, breathing out in relief once her eyes landed on snowy curls that fell down the back turned to her. "Rhae..."

The young woman crouched before a closed wooden chest, stroking it with a pained but determine expression. That chest was the one where Eddard Stark's remains placed in. She had heard someone coming in but didn't react much, knowing that Qoren who was hiding outside wouldn't let anyone dangerous come in.

After hearing the soft call, her chest filled with warm and some much-needed familiarity. Just how long had it been since she had seen any of them?

"Lady Catelyn." she slowly got up and turned to face the woman, a smile breaking out in her face before she could notice, "It's been too long."

"Yes, it has." Cat could feel her eyes watering as she looked her over to make sure she was perfectly fine. Only feeling true relief when she didn't find anything wrong, "You have lost some weight..."

The two of them stared at one another for a moment silently, before suddenly wrapping their arms around one another. Hugging tightly like they always would a year ago, before everything became such a huge mess with no sign of ending any time soon.

"It's so good to see you." whispered Cat by her ear, brushing her silver curls.

Rhaenys forced out a smile, the guilt and powerlessness from Eddard's death still consuming her. But now wasn't the time for that, neither was it the time to enjoy a warm reunion. With that in mind, she grew some distance between the two and her expression turned stern, "For how long can the North continue to fight?"

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