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The bells on the towers of the Great Sept of Balor could be heard in every corner of King's Landing. The city was full of people with colorful banners hanging from the buildings. It was as if everyone was celebrating the wedding together with the royal family. But the real event was happening inside the Sept.

Margaery held her father's arm as he led her through the Sept to the platform where Joffrey stood with the High Septon. The crowd of lords and ladies parted in the middle to allow them to pass.

Unlike for Tyrion's wedding, all the nobles had worn their best attires. Whether they truly felt happy for the royal couple or not, they smiled and gave their blessings.

Margaery's smile was the brightest of them all. Her wedding dress was as revealing and delicate as her normal wear but the design was more intricate yet different in comparison to the traditional wedding gowns worn by noble ladies.

The V-neckline went down to her breasts yet showed nothing. Vines with leaves, roses, and thorns spread around her chest and waist, and even more trailed around the opening that revealed Margaery's back. The vines met at the end of the opening and continued to trail down toward the long tail of the dress which was covered in light blue roses with thorns.

Margaery's curls were held with a crown, some loose locks falling over her shoulders while the rest of her hair tickled her exposed back. The crown appeared as if made of wood and featured stag horns which were intertwined with the curling stems of black roses, the small thorns on the roses barely visible from afar.

Lord Mace brought Margaery to the staircase and bowed to Joffrey stepping back to where the Tyrells stood to the left of the hall. Joffrey never looked his way, his green eyes locked with Margaery's who kept her gaze fixed on the boy as well.

Joffrey looked like a golden sculpture. His golden curls were accompanied by the golden silks he wore and his golden and red cloak with lions. There was also his golden crown which now had silver stems circling it with tiny thorns and unopened rosebuds at the tips.

Joffrey offered Margaery his arm which she took, then together they went up another flight of stairs to stand on the same platform as the High Septon.

Joffrey didn't wait for the High Septon to speak and removed his cloak, Margaery turning her back to him as Joffrey placed the golden cloak around her and squeezed her shoulders.

Then, the couple stood side by side, facing the High Septon, and he placed an embroidered strip of cloth over the couple's hands and tied them together. "Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell and Joffrey of the Houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

When the cloth strip was removed, Joffrey turned his hand to hold Margaery's and moved to face the crowd. "With this kiss, I pledge my love."

Joffrey held the back of Margaery's neck and kissed her while the guests clapped, some more energetically than others. The kiss was brief, barely a peck. When it ended, the couple turned to face the guests together, their connected hands held high for all to see.

Sansa couldn't say she felt particularly happy for her friend. "We have a new queen."

"Better her than you." At the very least, Tyrion knew Margaery Tyrell was more capable of handling Joffrey and had the Tyrells' and Tywin's protection if anything happened.

Once the official ceremony was over, the people inside the Sept returned to the Red Keep for the actual celebration. There were too many guests to accommodate them inside the Red Keep. Hence, they had set up rows of tables with benches for several people to sit together in different areas of the royal gardens.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2024 ⏰

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