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– Yunkai –

"Sansa is to marry Tyrion Lannister?"

Aeron curtly nodded to Rhaenys, "The news state that Tywin decided it. Their wedding should take place in a couple of days. They're not exactly taking the time to prepare much for it."

"Tywin Lannister must be planning on taking control of the North through the girl. As long as he wins the war, he can use her to keep the rest of the Northerners obedient." Ser Jorah didn't need to think much to know that's what Tywin intended.

"Lord Tywin has always been confident in his own abilities, but not reckless. If he wins, having the heir to the North in his hands will be for the best. And if he loses, Lady Sansa would prove to be a useful hostage in the end. More so if... she gives birth to a Lannister child. Tywin Lannister has always cared about his legacy more than anything else." Ser Barristan had seen all too well the way Tywin used his relatives as chess pieces that would be moved according to his wishes.

Daenerys sat beside Rhaenys, listening to their words intently, "That is to say that this wedding would not be a good thing for us. Should we find a way to stop it?"

"There's no time." Gabriel slowly shook his head, "Even if we were to immediately come up with a plan and write back, by the time it arrives at King's Landing, it would be too late. Lady Sansa would have long been married off."

Rhaenys let them talk, only tapping her forefinger against the armrest of her chair as she listened to them. She waited until everyone had finished discussing to speak. "Are there any other news from King's Landing?"

Aeron didn't know why she skipped over it, but he didn't question her, "A couple news. Weddings all of them. Apparently, the reason why Tywin Lannister made such a decision at this point was because he received word that the Tyrells wished to bring Lady Sansa and Ser Loras together. To avoid anything like it happening, Lady Sansa was given to Tyrion Lannister, and the Queen Regent is to marry Ser Loras Tyrell. The date has yet to be decided for the latter and there has been no official announcement. Only those involved know about it at the moment, really."

"He's tying the Tyrells to his side. It's not the nicest method but it is effective."

Rhaenys didn't show any concern, but Qoren, who was with her when they went to Storm's End, was. "Should we be worried then that Stefan Tyrell will say anything of his encounter with you, Your Grace?"

"Varys is keeping an eye on him just in case, but I do not think he will. He has not said anything all this time. Even if he plays the part of a fool and reveals it to Tywin as if it wasn't a big deal, he won't be able to avoid suspicion. The Lannisters keep saying that I am dead to the world, but they know better than anyone that I am still very much alive. Since he met me, and in Storm's End just when Lord Ron Baratheon had arrived, he should have given that information to Tywin as soon as their Houses became allies. He didn't, and saying anything now would only serve no good purpose for them. More so after Sansa's matter. The Tyrells already tried to secretly marry Sansa, if they're also discovered hiding information about me, Tywin will never trust them again and Cersei would have another card on her hands to play against them. She would no doubt use it to break Joffrey and Lady Margaery apart. His sweet sister is about to wed that little monster. Lord Stefan would not want to give Joffrey a reason to torture Lady Margaery more than he already will."

"From what I hear, that Lady Margaery has been managing to keep Joffrey under control better than anyone else. He's practically in the palm of her hand. At least for now." said Gabriel.

Rhaenys couldn't agree more with that last sentence, "Someone like Joffrey cannot be controlled forever. Lady Margaery knows that. Lady Olenna knows that. And Lord Stefan knows that. They cannot control him for long, but Margaery wants to be Queen and Loras wants revenge. The others can only helplessly follow their wishes. It doesn't mean that they cannot plan for retreat in the future. I do feel pity for both Tyrells. Though, Loras might manage to get out of it. Cersei would kill him before she ever married him."

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