CH 21: 280 - 281 A.C.

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The year after Rhaenys's birth, her mother brought another child to the world. His skin was bronze like Elia's and his doe eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity. He was like a bright star, but also much calmer than his sister.

Unlike Rhaenys, Aegon would fall asleep easily and not wake up until the next morning. Within his short life, there had only been a couple of times when he would wake up crying. In that way, both siblings were the same. Plighted with nightmares they could not understand nor describe to others.

But those nightmares had never appeared before, not until they left Dragonstone to return to King's Landing.

After the birth of her second child, Elia's condition had worsened. She was so weak and sickly that she could barely leave the bed. Thus, Rhaegar brought her to the sunnier and livelier King's Landing where there were better Maesters, and where he could keep an eye on his father.

At that time, it was only the year 279 and Rhaenys had only had her first Name Day. She could barely understand what was happening around her.

Not the current anger in the court after Jaime Lannister had been placed in the Kingsguard. Had it not been for Michael Lannister being born months after, Tywin would have no heir other than his second son who he despised and blamed for the death of his beloved Joanna.

As well as his relationship with Aerys might have once been, Tywin furiously resigned as Hand and returned to Casterly Rock with his at-the-time-pregnant second wife.

Rhaenys had no idea either of the hopes that had been long placed on her father, and on her. Nor of the rumors that soon spread after Lord Whent's great tournament in Harrenhal that lasted for ten days.

Elia had never shown the slightest hint. Even after their return, she was the same as ever with her children. Smiling every day as she played with them and took them to the palace gardens she had painstakingly worked on.

But, although Rhaenys knew nothing of what was happening, there was a pit in her stomach. Most nights, she would see everyone she knew go to sleep and never wake up no matter how much she cried and called them with her slurred words.

Then, in the year 280, Rhaegar said goodbye to them. He held Rhaenys in his arms and kissed the crown of her head, brushing back her short silver curls.

"I love you, Rhae. No matter what happens or what anyone says, I love you and your brother more than you can ever imagine."

That was the last thing he said to her before he left, and never returned. No matter how she waited for him, Rhaenys never saw his face or heard his voice again. His songs which would usually lull her to sleep, she would never hear those again either.

But at that time, she was only a child learning to pronounce some small words. She couldn't understand that just yet. The terrible war that had soon broken out, she couldn't understand either, more so when her mother kept her away from the constant commotions in the palace as much as she could.

Until King's Landing was surrounded and then Elia couldn't anymore.

In his insanity, Aerys stormed into Elia's chambers and took Rhaenys with him. Hearing her mother shouting as she was held back and feeling the pain from Aerys's strong grip, Rhaenys couldn't stop sobbing.

Aerys did not stop until they reached the throne room, ignoring his granddaughter's squirming. Under everyone's gazes, he went up the steps to the Iron Throne and sat on it, already used to how hard and cold it was. Rhaenys was the one who wasn't used to it after being placed beside Aerys.

It felt like when she had fallen on the rose bushes and the thorns pricked all over her skin. Although this time, there was no blood, it still hurt her delicate skin.

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