4~ Nightmare

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We sat together around our small, oak dining table eating our last dinner as a family. My little brother sat across from me, his brown, curly hair flowing over his forehead as he happily slurped up his soup. My mother and father were sat at the table too, but they didn't seem to be enjoying this dinner: you could tell they were both full of despair. We all knew we would be separated soon enough but the scary people in the suits told mother that tonight was the night. Tonight was the night we would be taken. 

I couldn't stand them staring at us with that weird 'I'm never gonna see you again' look anymore; I could tell Chuck didn't like it either. "Hey. Could we just enjoy this moment whilst it lasts. We love you and we always will. You are scaring me and little Chuckie with your sad looks though so please... let's all be happy tonight." Me and Chuck were only young but we weren't stupid. Mom and Dad just smiled and nodded, then mom got up to fetch dessert (she made a special one just for us). "Who's ready for chocolate cake?" she asked as she came waltzing in with mine and my brother 's favourite cake of alllll time. "ME ME ME!" Chuck cheered. Then we sat down and ate- it was delicious.

After we had said our thanks to our mother for making such a nice cake for us, me and Chuck raced to our room to play with our wooden animals: our dad carved us both our own toys and he even taught us how to do it, Chuck was getting real good at it. We played pretend zoos with them, roaring and mooing as we had our fun. It may had been our last night but playing with my little brother always lightened the mood. I loved him; he loved me. We would do anything for each other- maybe even die.

It was all going great and we were having the best time until we heard crashing from the front rooms. Mine and Chuck's room was only across from the dining room and then the front door was just to the right, so I could see everything. The door was shaking- being bashed down by someone with extreme force. It must be the guards. They were here to take us. 

I grabbed my favourite wooden animal (my elephant) and slung my brother under my bed. I quickly rushed under to where I had put him and cuddled him. "It's going to be alright Chuckie. You will always have me. Always." I cooed into his ear and I felt him whimper into my chest. We lay there as quiet as possible awaiting our fates whilst tears rolled down our soft, young cheeks. That was when they got in.

About 6 bulky men in black suits charged in, cradling big guns in their arms. They were quietly mumbling to each other and then the biggest man signaled for three of them to look around. I could just about see my mother and father gripping onto one another tightly as mom struggled for breath, her knees looking weak. "NO NOT MY BABIES NO! NOT MY CHILDREN! WAIT ONE MORE DAY PLEASE JUST GIVE US ANOTHER D-" My mothers cries were cut off by a harsh slap and her and dad were shoved out of the way. 

I gripped onto Chuck tighter. I knew it was gonna happen: it had to but I didn't wanna let go of him until then. Our little bodies shivered and I put my hand over his mouth and looked him in the eyes smiling the biggest smile I could manage. I could hear the officers footsteps getting closer and I knew this was it. "It's okay Chuck, remember what I said- 'Always'" Then it all happened in slow motion. The Guards had found us and had peeled my brother away from me as he cried and cried for help. "LET HIM GO LET HIM GO," I screamed as I tried to resist the guard who came to take me with them," DONT HURT HIM!" I got a glimpse of my mothers face as her two babies were dragged away ...


"Y/N! SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N!" Alby was rapidly shaking me to stop screaming. I didn't even realise I was screaming until he told me to stop it. All I could see was that image of my mothers face as she watched her children be taken away forever: it was like when you look in a blinding lightbulb and you look away but you can still see it when you blink. I roughly shook my head trying to erase the frame from my mind so I could calm down. 

"Hey, shhhhh what happened y/n? You gave me quite a darn fright with all your screaming..."

"I-it was a n-nightmare." I choked out between sobs. Alby just held me in his arms, comforting me as my salty tears uncontrollably streamed from my y/e/c eyes. I could feel Alby's shirt dampening and I felt bad but I couldn't stop.

Alby fell asleep after a little while but I couldn't seem to drift off, so I went and sat against the log we slept on last night and gazed at the stars as night turned to day. I got slightly uncomfortable and my ankle felt itchy so I reached my hand down to where I could itch but I felt something in my sock. I have no clue how I didn't realise before but there it was. In my sock. My Elephant.

I walked to our supplies ,quietly so I didn't wake Alby again, to see if I could find some string or something to attach to my Elephant. I wanted to make a necklace out of it so I didn't lose it. I ended up finding a long, thin strip of leather that could be used if I made a hole in the wood. I searched around for some sort of sharp pointy tool, or anything that could cut through the wood neatly enough. I found something exactly perfect in a random box tools and I used it to make a small hole all through the head of my elephant. I threaded the leather through the hole and it was a perfect fit- now I could keep my elephant on me at all times. 

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