9~ Natural

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I had started making some of my 'strange but oddly delicious' soup (as Alby called it) whilst Newt sat watching me, I didn't mind though because he didn't seem like he intended to be creepy- I think he was just intrigued. "Mmmmmmm is that soup and bread I can smell?" Alby questioned as he emerged from the forest. 

"Oh of course you suddenly appear when food's almost ready," newt giggled at my remark and Alby just glared at me "hehehe, anyway, how did your building go today?"

"Oh it went alright, how was gardening?" he asked. I sent a gentle smile over to Newt, "I really enjoyed it... oh and we got lots more carrots up- we are most probably going to turn into rabbits once they've all been eaten."

We sat around laughing as we munched on our bread and ate our soup; then Alby decided he was going to turn in early because he was exhausted from all of the lugging around of wood he did. I looked to Newt and he looked pretty darn tired, "Did you get much sleep last night, Newt?"

"No, I didn't. Don't go and lecture me about it though because I just didn't want to leave you and I felt that if I went to sleep, you might wake up like that again and I didn't want you to be alone if something bad happened." he confessed... but although it did wind me up that he put his very important need of sleep after me, I wasn't too mad. And then, I had an idea...

I looked into his eyes and whispered, "Follow me. Try your best to be quiet so you don't wake Alby up, got it?" He nodded looking extremely confused and nervous but it's not as if I was gonna murder such a pretty boy. I laced our fingers together so I could lead him in the direction I was going, and he quickly tiptoed behind me trying to keep up as quiet as he could manage.

After a short minute or two, we got to where I was taking him and I whispered into his ear, "Stay here and close your eyes for me." He furrowed his brow slightly but gave in to my command when I attempted to do some puppy dog eyes to persuade him. 

I will never try that again. That was utterly embarrassing 😳.

I was actually very thankful he did it because there was noooo hiding the deep shade of crimson that my cheeks had become. I giggled lightly to hide my embarrassment and then quickly trotted off to set up what I had planned. I hope he likes it.

"Y/n are you done yettt? My legs are aching already!" he joked as I started to hurry a little bit for him, "Just a second!"

I finished setting it up and then walked back to him, nervously grabbing his hand to bring him over, "You can open them now," and with that he opened his eyes. He was greeted by a picnic. In the middle there was a blanket set out with a basket of fruit I had snuck over. There were torches and lanterns dotted around making it look as nice and snug as I could possibly make it. "So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful y/n, but what's the occasion?" he questioned. Oh shoot yeah I forgot to say hahaha. "Well, I guess the occasion is you. I-I wanted to thank you, for understanding, and say sorry, for worrying you. I guess...um...well you only came up yesterday, but you have already made me feel so calm and happy. It's nice to have someone actually want to listen- of course I love Alby but he isn't the best with serious things, so yeah. I thought that we could talk, we could eat, and I wanted to share my spot with you. When we came up, Alby and I explored the Glade, and it was wonderful but I wanted a place of my own. A place where I could be alone: to cry, to think, to laugh, and to just take everything in and relax. Of course I'm not sure if Alby knows about this place or not but he probably does since he works in the woods most days anyway. Either way though, even if he does it's okay because I think he understands me wanting some alone time. Anyways back to what I was saying, I like to come here to do all of that stuff I said but something I really enjoy is just laying down on this blanket and looking up at the stars. Wanna try it with me?"

"I would love to but let me tell you one thing- you need to stop bloody apologizing for something you can't help, alright? Now... I wanna see what's so good about watching some stars in the sky!" he grabbed an apple from the basket and came to lie next to me. 

We were still for what must have been an hour and I broke the silence, "Newt?" he hummed in response so I carried on, "I really like this. It's just, being next to you feels so natural to me: like we've done it in some past life or something. Who knows...maybe we were best friends once!"

I had a feeling we were once more than that but I didn't wanna ruin whatever friendship was forming between us.

"I agree. I reckon we must have known each other at some point too- if that's even possible. And oh, by the way... I see why you love the stars so much. There's something so very calming watching them shine so bright above you, and thank you for this. It feels good to make a friend."

30 minutes after, me and Newt left my spot to go to our hammocks. We giggled at Alby who was snoring so loud I could swear the leaves on the trees above him were shaking. Gonna have to make fun of him for that tomorrow. We said our goodnight's and we both drifted off into our dreamlands.

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