19~ Telling Alby

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--Y/N POV--

After breakfast I went over to my spot to do some thinking because I would have to talk to Newt about it at some point- without a doubt. I know it seems like I'm being dramatic but I'm very socially awkward so I find it hard to talk about serious stuff like that: it's only him though and I have never been so comfortable with someone as I am with Newt.

After half an hour of just sitting there I heard harsh footsteps approaching me and I figured it must be Alby so I was kinda relieved I could postpone my convo with Newt until later. "Y/n? Ah it is you, what are you doing here?"

"It's my spot Al, I come here basically every day to watch the stars and think and be alone: you should find a spot of your own, it's really nice knowing you have a place just to yourself in a place that you have to share with others. What's up?"

"Well I was going to ask you the same question actually... what was that earlier? There's obviously something on your mind so spill it to me." he said in his deep voice that he used when he was being serious and acting all leader-y.

I suppose it would be good to get everything off of my mind..."Do you promise not to tell Minho or Newt about what I say? And also not to get angry at either me or the person this involves?"

"As long as no one hurt you or forced you into anything, then yes I promise."

"Okay, good. Don't interrupt okay because I'm about to dump a hell of a lot of feelings on you." he nodded for me to start so I did.

"Ever since Newt came up I felt something different. When I saw him in the corner and saw his blonde scruffy hair, his gorgeous brown eyes, and his just everything- ooh and his jawline, ah sorry I'm getting carried away but anyways- all I saw was pure beauty. His pure beauty. As soon as I looked into his eyes I felt that something different that I said about: it was as if I had looked in his eyes before, and many times. He felt so natural to me and I could already tell that from then on, he was going to be super important to me- and he is. Then I took his hand to help him out and that feeling came again, so I just kept holding his hand on the tour because I just didn't want to let go and lose that feeling. Then after I had made his hammock for him, he said something. I've forgotten what he said but his accent and his voice were so melodic and so calming to me. That's when I felt this separate feeling- one I have now came to understand is a sort of love. Al, I'm falling in love- and I have no bloody clue what the hell I'm supposed to do. And today, I let that feeling of love overwhelm me and I think I freaked him out. Long story short, I went to get cleaned up in the pond and of course I was naked and he accidentally walked in on me so was apologizing and covering his eyes and all that whilst I went and got a towel and I went over to him and just kissed him. And on top of that, me being the stupid person I am, just left him to go get changed and make breakfast- and I have no clue how I made him feel and why I let myself do it. I guess I couldn't hide it anymore. What do I do now Al?" God that was a lot.

"Y/n/n, as your sort of brother figure, I feel it's sort of my duty to say don't do anything stupid, so yeah just don't do any gross stuff but I think I know what you need to do. I can tell by how you talk about him that you are in love with him. Of course I don't know much about love but I think I know enough to tell when people feel the same way about eachother. I can see it all over him too- the way his face lights up when you go to him, how he comforts you at night. The way he cares about you is just astounding so I say go for it, tell him how you feel y/n. Any boy would be shucking lucky to have a girl like you so if he upsets you in any way I can chain him up to a tree for a night or whatever. So, when are you going to tell him?"

"Well if you are sure he likes me back, then I probably will at some point but I still don't know when."

"I think you should tell him tonight. It may seem soon but knowing him, he's gonna want to talk about it tonight, So you should tell him then." 

Tonight?!?! Isn't that too soon? Well, I do trust Alby so maybe I should listen to him. What's the worst that could happen? So I get rejected and he doesn't feel the same... that might not be so bad. Especially because at least I could know for sure that I should stop wasting my time.

"Okay, I'll do it tonight. Don't say a thing to him, or even Minho. And thank you for listening and helping me Al, I really appreciate it."

"Anything for family!" He gave me a big bear hug and a smile and we walked back to where the boys were.

We then went the rest of the day acting normal and doing all our work. Little did Newt know, later a certain girl would be confessing their feelings to him- I wonder how it will go down...

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