36~ Trapped

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--Y/N'S POV--

I woke up to Newt's hand draped over my waist, this morning. He woke up just after I did and we talked for a while about everything- it was very comforting actually. It got a little later (about 8:00am) and we were already late to breakfast. "Want to come and eat with me? It will make you feel better." he dazzled me with a smile.

"Alright, I'm starving. Let me have a shower first."

"Hmmmmm, need any help?" smirked Newt.

"Hmmmmm. Well if you are asking to join me, then... that could be arranged." I returned the same inviting, devilish smirk he gave me a second ago. His eyes lit up and I started undressing. Once I was completely naked, he looked me up and down adoringly. "Bloody hell. You are definitely the most beautiful angel to walk this earth." he sighed.

I giggled and said, "Well come on then! I'll be waiting..." I trotted naked off into the bathroom we shared, glancing over my shoulder to see him watching me.

[[A/N There isn't going to be anything bad but if you don't like this stuff then just skip to when they have breakfast]]

I stepped into our shower and heard him hurriedly folding his clothes so he could come and join me. A few seconds later he strutted in, his blonde scruffy hair covering his eyes when he looked down to his feet. I reached out to him, pulling him in with me. The only thing between our bodies was the steamy, running water that set the mood even further. Newt grabbed the soap and started washing my body bottom to top. His eyes glazed over my boobs which he then grabbed gently in his hands. A pleasured sigh escaped my mouth and he laughed at my now-red face.

The mood overwhelmed me and I grabbed tightly onto his wet, blonde locks. I smashed my lips passionately to his and then we got carried away...

--time skip to breakfast--

Newt and I were freshly clothed: me in loose joggers, a tank top, and fluffy slippers; Newt in a baggy t-shirt, joggers, and a pair of comfy trainers. We walked hand in hand across the glade to the kitchen where there were just the few late risers eating, and Frypan was washing some dishes. We went to him for our breakfast (he'd made pancakes) and he eyed us suspiciously, "You guys are late... and wet."

"Decided to freshen up." I shrugged absently, thinking of the wonderful time I had just had. "Hmmm whatever you say. Did you eat my bacon last night?" asked fry.

"Nah Fry, sorry I wasn't hungry. I'm starving now though so bring on the pancakes!"

Fry piled mine and Newt's plates with the leftover pancakes he had and we searched for a table. We saw that Minho and Chuck were sat at a table together. They weren't eating anything, they must have eaten already, but we went and joined them.

Minho laughed as we sat, "Finally! Have fun? I just happened to be passing your hut when I heard-" I cut Minho off with a sharp glare and nod to Chuck, showing that he should shut the hell up (I didn't want my little brother hearing jokes about anything sexual because that's just too gross for his innocent ears). "Um, when I heard laughing. Yeah, it sounded like you were having lotttts of fun."

Newt and I both went deep shades of Crimson and I cleared my throat, "Yeah, it was a great morning." I smirked over at Newt who was digging into his pancakes so I started to do the same. We finished our breakfast and got on with the day ahead.


Later, we were stood at the maze doors nervously waiting for Alby and Minho to get back. "Come on guys can't we send someone else?" asked Thomas. "Can't risk losing anyone else." Newt replied, stroking his thumb across the back of my hand that was held in his. They needed to come back; it needed to be soon. The doors were going to shut any minute now and once they shut, you weren't likely to survive. I am the only one who has ever survived a night out there and it was horrible. I think if it came down to it, Minho and Alby could survive too but I could only hope and pray that they would get back before the doors shut.

The walls starting making the whirring noise that they made when they were shutting. Oh god they must have been stung. What if they are dead? What if a griever had them for lunch? I shook my head harshly to get the image of a griever dipping my friends in salsa as a replacement for chips out of my head. The wall wasn't closed yet so hopefully they came running around the corner any second... nope... still nope... OH FOR SHUCK SAKE WHERE ARE THEY?

As if they heard my internal screaming, Thomas spotted the two boys turning into the corridor. Something was wrong. Minho was dragging Alby as quick as he could- What's wrong with Alby? Everyone at the opening started cheering encouragement at Minho but he didn't look like he was gonna make it. There was still about 3/4 of the corridor between them and the Glade, and the wall was very nearly closed. I so desperately wanted to run in and help Minho carry Alby back but Newt had a strong arm across my chest like he was one step ahead of my thoughts.

There was only a small gap in the wall now and Minho had given up and accepted his fate. I stared into his eyes and he gave me a downhearted smile before Thomas got in the way. Wait... THOMAS! I didn't even have time to register it since it all happened so quick. Thomas had ran into the maze. People had tried to grab him and pull him back but they failed. The walls slammed shut before us.

I stared coldly at the freshly closed stone walls in front of us. Newt blocked off my gaze with his body and pulled me close as I trembled. Other gladers were either too shocked to move or had walked away from the walls to mourn three of their own who were now gone.

Alby and Minho were two of the people I loved most in this world, Thomas was someone I wanted to grow to love too, and now they were trapped. Trapped in the dark endless hell that was the maze.

Alby was obviously hurt, Minho looked exhausted, and Thomas was only a greenie who didn't know klunk about the maze and what exactly was out there. Despite all this, I had a gut feeling that they would make it back. All three of them.

Time will tell.

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