42~ So Quick

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Gally was about to pull the trigger and then it all happened so quick. One second Thomas was shouting, "Gally!" Then I heard Chuck shout, "NO!" A gunshot echoed through the lab at the same time that Minho threw his spear deep into Gally's chest. He collapsed onto his knees and was gasping for breath. His body fell limply to the floor.

"y/n...thomas..." Chuck whispered. I looked down and saw blood seeping into his shirt and then I realized- the gunshot... it went into Chuck instead. "NO! CHUCK NO! Stay awake baby brother stay awake!" I screamed at him, begging for him to stay with me.

Thomas and I both shook him, tears flowing down our faces like heavy rain on a windowpane. Chuck tried to give Thomas his carved wooden figurine that he had made for our parents and when Thomas said no Chuck said, "Take it. Thank you. Thank you. Always...." as the life was sucked out of his body.

"Chuck. Hey Chuck, come on. Wake up." Thomas cried into his chest. I held my head against my dead brothers, combing my hands through his curly mop of hair, weeping just like Thomas. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Thomas was shouting and then a door opened and revealed a sudden brightness. Guards came storming in and managed to wrestle Thomas off of Chuck's body. I couldn't let them take me away from him. I screamed and thrashed against the men trying to pull me away. "NO! HE'S MY BROTHER!!" I was strong, but not strong enough against two big guys in as weak of a form as I had ever been. The men dragged me through the hallway, me screaming my brothers name to where he lay lifeless on the ground.

They took us outside where sure enough, it looked just like the pictures on the screen from earlier. Our world was scorched.

We were put into a helicopter and I scrambled to where I could see Newt and just held onto him. As long as I held on like my life depended on it, I wouldn't lose him also. He stroked my head and shushed me as I wept into his shirt. "It's gonna be okay, It's gonna be okay." he cooed at me.

"You guys alright? Don't worry, you're safe now." one of the men in the helicopter told us.

You guys alright? WHY THE HELL WOULD SOMEONE ASK SUCH A STUPID QUESTION? I was too tired to shout anymore or even glare at him through my cloudy eyes but if I wasn't, he would be in serious trouble for that question alone.

We flew higher and higher and I took my face out from Newt's shirt so his shirt wouldn't be completely soaked through. I still held on to him, but readjusted my body so I was sat in between his legs. I looked out of the window, my blurry eyes not helping me whatsoever so I attempted to rub the tears from them. I could see a little clearer but no doubt my vision would go again at any moment now as my eyes filled with more and more tears. We could see the maze from here. We could see the glade. We could see everything. We could see our home. But it wasn't our home anymore, and even though that saddened me, I hoped we were going somewhere better. Somewhere away from Wicked and anyone and everyone who I don't trust.

"Relax kid, everything's gonna change." The man told Thomas. For some reason I believed the man- but were things going to change for better or worse?


We were flying far away from there. I don't know where to, but it was away from the Glade. We sat in silence as we were taken to God knows where, the only thing that could be heard was the whirring of the helicopter and a few cries and whimpers from the Gladers.

My brother was gone. He was never coming back. Not him, not Ruby, not Alby, not Gally. Whatever happens, I need to stay alive for him. Always.

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