14~ I Would Never

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Newt led me over to the picnic table that was next to the kitchen and then told me to sit down and wait. I hadn't eaten breakfast with them earlier (I decided to have a little nap) so I gathered he was going to try and get me to eat something. In perfect honesty though, I had lost my appetite.

I had sat hugging my knees to my chest at the table now for about 5 minutes whilst trying to tell him it was okay and I wasn't hungry- him being the stupid sweetheart he was wouldn't give in to my moaning though and insisted that I had to get some food in me. A few minutes later, he trotted over to the table with a plate of various fruits all chopped up into bitesize pieces and arranged into a smiley face. [[imagine your favourite fruits]]. "Come on then, eat up." he prompted towards the plate.

"I see what you are trying to do Mr Lizard. Trying to put a smile on my face by bribing me with my favourite fruits arranged in the smile you wish for me to copy... count yourself lucky that it's working!" I beamed a dazzling smile at him to make him proud of his little plan. 

"And I also want you to eat it obviously so don't hang about." he ordered me to eat it but I really wasn't hungry. I felt like if I ate anything I would be sick and I didn't really know why- I think it must be because of how unsettled my dream made me feel. "Look Newt, I reallyyyy appreciate your gesture but I'm honestly not hu-" 

"Eat. You will feel so much better on a full stomach." he glared into my y/e/c eyes with his dreamy brown ones and I felt hypnotized. I started munching away because I knew he was probably right, and if I threw up it didn't really matter because I knew he would take care of me.

After a few minutes of Newt staring off into the walls across the Glade whilst I munched on my yummy fruit, I decided to break the silence because I could clearly feel the tension radiating off of him, "You want to know don't you?"

"Well of course I do love, but as always- I'm not going to make you talk about something that may be easier forgotten."

"Newt, I don't mind. I can practically hear your mind shouting questions at me so I might as well put them to rest." He looked at me thoughtfully once I had said that, and then I told him all of it.


"Oh y/n/n, no one will ever hurt you like that. Not people in weird lab coats or big suits, not Alby, not Minho, not anyone. And just so you know- you are safe with me. I would never, and I mean ever, hurt you either. I would never."

"I know you wouldn't Newt, I was just a bit frightened afterwards and if I'm completely honest, I still am- but not of you. You are Mr Lizard- not a baaaad bone in your body." I knew he hated being called that so I decided what a perfect way to change the subject.

"Ugh y/n will you stop calling me that for god's sake. Why can't you just pick another nickname for me... preferably a far cuter one- I don't exactly like being referred to as a bloomin' reptile."

"Hmmmmmmm let me think...blondie? awwww what about newtie? Awww I mean you are a cutie I guess..." he blushed at me calling him cute. 

Oh wait I just called him cute. Ah run away from the problem! Nah I'm too tired to run, I'll just roll with it.

"Call me whatever you want as long as it's not Mr Lizard- the hate I have for that name is unthinkable," we both laughed at his remark, although he didn't say I couldn't called him lizard... mr lizard may be out of bounds but I think I may have just thought of my new 'annoy Newt' nickname. 

"Anyways, back to where we were before you purposely changed the subject- and yes I do pick up on those things. You are safe with me. I will protect you until the end of my life if I have to- rather it be me than you."

"Um no, if anything bad happened I would so be the one doing the heroic crap."

We burst into fits of giggles and uncontrollable laughter, and then started to do the weeding I had promised to do- but I had an extra pair of hands to help me so it was less boring. Now all we had to do was wait for Alby and Minho to get back from their quest beyond the Glade.

--time skip to lunch--

Minho and Alby still weren't back yet but we weren't exactly worried because we didn't expect them back this early anyway. They were probably busy chatting or running around or something. Newt and I had gotten hungry and it was lunch time so I made up some bacon sandwiches for us (laying aside some bacon that I could cook up for the boys once they got back since they would probably be starving from moving around all day). Our sandwiches were delicious but boy was I getting tired of cooking almost the same things every day. And, although I was the best at it, I was getting beyond bored and tired of cooking for us.

Just as Newt had started washing our dirty dishes (uh what a gentleman) we heard groaning from the opening in the walls that wasn't far from us. Newt looked at me, confusion glazing his eyes, and we both hesitantly walked over to see who it was. 

It was Alby and Minho but Minho was the one that the noise was coming from. "Uhhhhhh what's with the noise? We didn't know what was making such an annoying sound." I stated, and it wasn't a lie at all because that grunting noise was as annoying as a squeaky door.

"Hello to you too y/n- and who the shuck else would it be? An ogre who only eats annoying girls?" Minho responded.

"Well it would be better if the ogre ate sassy, cocky boys- but if it ate annoying girls then I guess it should go somewhere else since I don't see one here. Anyway what's up with you?"

"He tripped when he got too cocky and decided to try beat me on the way back- silly shank. Now he's done god knows what to his foot or ankle or whatever, probably just twisted it but there is still some blood where he got it cut on a rock. God I hope there's a way to shut him up though!" Alby chuckled at the boy's stupidity whilst looking to me, probably so I could help Minho in some way.

"Okay then. I think I saw some bandages or whatever so lets see what I can do since you boys look clueless. Follow me and then you can get some bacon sandwiches after..." As soon as I said that, both of the sweaty boy's eyes lit up as if they had been stuck in a dry desert for days and it had magically started to rain. 

Then when I blinked, they were both already running to where our supplies were- Minho slightly behind-and they started digging around for bandages or whatever could be used to get him fixed up. I looked over to where Newt was stood shaking his head and chuckling at the boys, "They must be hungry!" he said and then I nodded as we both walked to join them.

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