26~ Ruby

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--next morning--

I woke up with my burnt hand, a pounding headache, and to top it all off... I was feeling real sick and had a major sore throat. I felt something stroke down the back of my head. "Good morning, love." he greeted. I responded hoarsely with a, "Hey." and snuggled into him a bit more. 

A few minutes later, I felt so unbelievably sick. I jumped out from Newt's arms and my warm, cozy bed, and made a dash to the bathroom. I threw my head over the toilet and instantly vomited. I then felt Newt behind me shushing me and holding my hair back. "Please get out Newt. You can't see me like this." I spewed out in between heaves.

"What kind of boyfriend leaves their girlfriend alone like this, huh? Let me help." His voice was comforting enough for me to want him to stay but I just didn't want him to see- that's gross! "Newt, if you want to help just leave, I'm just sick that's all. I'm not gonna die or anything so don't worry. Now please go." He placed a kiss on the back of my head and then I threw up some more and heard him shut the bathroom door.

I stayed hunched over the toilet for about 40 minutes longer- I was uncontrollably vomiting and it was disgusting. Once I felt a bit better and like I wasn't going to throw up again, I got in the shower to clean myself up. I walked back to my room in a towel and saw Newt sat there on the edge of my bed- he must have came back whilst I was in the shower. "Oh, hey handsome." He looked to where my voice came from, and was greeted with a surprise because I had dropped my towel.

His eyes lit up and his cheeks flared pink: he looked like he didn't quite know where to look. "Wow," he ogled- it looked like he didn't really know what else to say. "You look much better, you feeling alright?" I wandered naked around the room trying to find some clothes to put on- I wasn't in a rush though. 

I replied, "Yeah I'm fine: apart from the fact that it feels like my head is being pounded by a hammer every few seconds; my hand both looks and feels like klunk; and I still feel a little sick- but yeah I'm alright." I laughed. Newt didn't seem to find it funny though and looked at me concerned.

"Maybe you should just get into some comfy clothes and go back to sleep y/n, Alby would be fine with letting you have a day off."

"Hmmmm, sounds like a great idea actually: A perfect excuse to stay in bed all day. However, I specifically asked Alby if the girl could do some gardening with us today so I do not want to miss spending all that time with her- and you of course," I smiled and winked at him, he still had this weird look on his face though. I could see he was thinking about something. "What's on your mind?" I wondered out loud as I put some grey joggers on.

Newt then blurted out, "Do you remember what you said last night?" 

Ummmm I'm not sure what he's talking about... oh wait. I said I loved him didn't I- I mean wasn't that obvious anyway?

"Yes, and I meant every word."

His mouth grew into a bright, beautiful smile that almost put me in a trance but I carried on getting changed after returning the smile to him. Once I was fully clothed, he walked over to me and whispered in my ear- making my stomach go all fuzzy. "I love you too." I looked deep into his chocolate eyes and then leant my head closer to his. His lips collided with mine and we shared a long, passionate kiss that left me searching for breath. We pressed our foreheads together and sighed in content. I told him I was going to go and talk to the girl now so he should go find Minho to come join us in a few minutes.


I found the girl in Newt's room ( luckily she hadn't left for breakfast yet) and I knocked on the door that was slightly ajar. She told me to come in and she was brushing her hair through with her fingers quickly . "Did you enjoy last night Greenie?" I questioned.

"Yeah, it was fun- and almost everyone was really nice to me so I guess it went well. Oh, and call me Ruby." She beamed.

"You remembered already? Feels nice doesn't it? How did you remember so quick? It sometimes takes up to 2 days so if you remembered last night that is pretty bloody fast."

"I hit my head on the ground when I tripped over some rock on the way to the room last night."

"You did what? Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine, Minho was with me. Plus, didn't you hurt yourself worse last night? Minho said something after I hit my head last night that was along the lines of 'what is up with you girls hurting yourselves tonight? Dumb shanks. First y/n goes and burns her whole hand whilst drunk dancing and then you fall and hit your head from tripping on a rock.' The question really should be how are you."

"The pains bearable. So... you were with Minho, huh? Oooooooooo." She furrowed her eyebrows angrily at me and then just before she was about to say something, Newt and Minho walked in. "Morning, Greenie. How'd you sleep?" Newt asked.

"I slept well, thanks for the bed, and it's Ruby now."

"Oh, well, no problem Ruby. I quite like sharing anyways." He winked at me and then Minho- who was behind him- rolled his eyes which made me chuckle to myself.

"We should go get some food because I am so beyond starving that I could probably eat all three of you right now." I led them out quickly to the tables- I wasn't exaggerating about being hungry. Minho and I went to get the pancakes that Fry had made for us and Fry said, "Hey y/n/n, how are you now? Newt told me about earlier."

"Yeah I'm good Fry, he was just worrying over nothing I think- although it was literally for about 40 minutes and it was terrible, I'm not going to die." I picked up two plates of food and two cups of water- for me and for Newt- and then my burnt hand cramped and started hurting and flaring up as I was picking up the second cup and I dropped it on the floor, luckily it wasn't glass but it was loud enough for quite a few of the boys to cast their eyes over at me. "You alright y/n/n?" Fry asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Could you possibly refill that cup whilst I go set these down? I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah sure sis. You sure you're okay?" I nodded in response and my hand started cramping again but I just ignored it- I would go ask Jeff for some more of that pain relief stuff after breakfast. I took the food over to where Minho, Ruby, and Newt sat together- Minho and Ruby were already eating. 

"Sorry I took a bit longer, I'll be back in a second." Newt gave me another 'are you okay?' look so I nodded and went and got my cup of water from Fry after quickly mopping up the spilled water from before, and then I went back to the table.

Newt started talking after he took a few bites of his pancakes, "You're gonna be with me and y/n today Ruby. We will be gardening so I hope you at least semi enjoy that since it's your first job to try out." 

She looked pretty excited then said cheerfully, "That's great!! And of course it's a bonus to be doing it with you guys."

Minho made a dramatic gasp, "Feelings are hurt. Don't talk to me." he joked whilst putting his hand in front of his face. We all laughed and then went off to work after, Minho going off separately since he was running today.


At some point in the day I went to Jeff about my hand and he put the pain relief stuff on it which made it feel so much better than it was- we were lucky that stuff got sent up. I was also sick again twice which wasn't the best: once after dinner and once before bed. Alby ordered me to have tomorrow off because I was obviously ill and then I went to sleep in Newt's arms.

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