27~ What If She Doesn't Make It?

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--time skip to about 6 months later--

6 other people had came up since Ruby, although I didn't get to know them too well because I was too busy with who Alby liked to call 'my partner in crime'. Ruby and I had become best friends over the past months- we are even convinced we are the same person in different bodies because we are so so similar. It's great knowing I have someone who I can just talk to for hours and they can just listen: we can laugh, cry, and whatever else when we are together. There isn't a bad bone in that girl's body and I love her for that.

We are always with each other in our spare time (other than when I'm alone with Newt) whether it is in a group or just by ourselves: probably talking about some weird ass thing or plotting mischief. We are actually, practically inseparable. 

One thing we like to do together is play pranks: god have we got some people good. Once, we put tons and tons of salt in Minho's stew so when he slurped some up he quite literally sprayed it all over Alby who was sat in front of him- they both looked furious. Minho's anger didn't last long though since he was dating Ruby so had a soft spot for her of course: me on the other hand...he says he is still trying to plot a way to get revenge.


Whilst we were eating breakfast and everyone was just chatting before work, Alby said someone should go running with Minho. The reason for this was that Ben (the runner who was supposed to be going with Minho today into the maze) had injured his ankle yesterday whilst running back. Alby would usually just call the run off or get me to go but 1- Minho was practically jumping off of the walls, and 2- I had a migraine so was just taking it easy for today (Alby's orders).

"I'll go." Ruby offered.

"Yeah, Ruby you can go. Stay safe though and stick with Minho." Alby answered. 

Newt must have noticed I was getting anxious and he stroked my thigh- which was bouncing up and down. He started tracing light, soft patterns on the back of my hand to calm me down and it worked a little but I was still scared for her. I had been in there first hand and I didn't want her to get stuck out there. I don't think I could cope without her.

After breakfast, Minho and Ruby got prepared to go into the maze- Ruby took a little longer though because she was doing something. I'm not really sure what that something was but she joined us about 10 minutes later- her eyes looking a little red and puffy. We were infront of the doors with them and I looked at Ruby who was now stretching. "Rubes, don't get stuck out there. Come back to me." I pleaded. She then looked up to me with a sorry look.

"I'll be back. Stop worrying and go get some rest okay. I love you." She then embraced me in a really tight hug and I could swear I felt a tear from her eyes leak into my top- she was probably just nervous. 

"You too," I smiled and then turned slightly to Minho. "Good luck, and bring. her. back." He nodded and they set off together into the depths of the maze.

Newt led me to our hut- Alby had just let us share now because it made my bad dreams get a bit better- and he layed me down across the bed. "You need your rest my darling. I'm going to go and help Zart with the weeding and the planting and then I'm gonna go and talk to Alby, so if you need anything, come and find me. Or if it's easier, just get Gally or Fry because they should be around here today. Goodbye, love." We shared a kiss and he went to work.

I spent the rest of the day either sleeping, vomiting, or doing more sleeping.

--later on, just before sunset--

I was riddled with nerves. Ruby and Minho still hadn't gotten back yet, but they should be back any minute now. I hope they get back. Newt was trying to calm me down and soothe me but I was just pacing in front of the maze doors. Two figures emerged out from behind a wall- it was Minho and Ruby. Something was wrong. It was Ruby.

I ran in as soon as I saw she was hurt. I didn't even think when I ran, I didn't care what happened to me, she needed to be safe. The doors would be shut in about 3 minutes so I had time, but that didn't stop everyone shouting at me to come back as if I was gonna die.

I helped Minho pick her up and my heart dropped. Her body was so limp that she felt dead. 

What if she is dead.

My speed increased and we got back in time before the doors shut behind us, then we dropped her body onto the floor. "RUBY? RUBY? CAN YOU HEAR ME? RUBY WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!! RUBY PLEASE!!!" My sobs echoed throughout the glade.

Minho was just kneeled next to her, tears rolling down his emotionless looking face. "MIN WHAT HAPPENED???!" I cried. He handed me a folded piece of tear stained paper and I held it in my shaky hands. Newt kneeled down and gently placed his hands on mine to stop the shakes so I could actually look at what I had been given.

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