17~ The Pond

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I woke up from my nap to the sun high in the sky, it must be around midday. Instantly, I could smell burning in the distance and snapped right up to follow the smell- turns out it was coming from the kitchen. I ran over to see Minho had burnt some bacon. I take a nap for a few hours and wake up to someone trying to burn the kitchen down. Great.

Newt jokingly hit Minho on the back of his head whilst helping dispose of the evidence, "What did the bacon do to you? You plonker hahaha." I just watched the boys from behind a tree- I know that sounds creepy- because they all looked like they were having such fun (despite having their lunch burnt of course). It was so nice to just listen to the ringing of the laughter coming from the boys I was coming to love so dear. And then I was spotted -_-

"Hey sleepyhead," Newt came jogging to me and embraced me in a hug. "How was your nap, love?"

"It was nice actually," I smiled a sleepy smile at the gorgeous blonde boy in front of me, god he's beautiful. "I take a nap for a few hours and come back to Minho trying to burn the Glade down? Lord he's hopeless." We both giggled and he took his hand in mine to walk me over to the other two. He then added, "Yeah I think I'll make lunch instead."

I went and joined Alby who was sat at the table and I leaned my head on his shoulder: still tired from waking up only a few minutes ago. He put a strong hand on my side and rubbed along my skin with his thumb to comfort me- he knew I wasn't exactly a morning person (I know it isn't morning but you get what I mean). Just as I attempted to close my eyes for a bit of extra rest, Minho bounded over, "Oi Oi Oi! No napping on my watch, you had time for that shank." Alby chortled and I just rolled my eyes at Minho.

"Shouldn't you be off burning some more bacon?" I snarled and Alby's laugh just got louder- music to my ears, "Good one sis." He patted me on the back and then got up and went over to chat to Newt.

"Hmmmmm, so I was right about your little crush on blondie over there?" It was only at this moment that I snapped out of my daze and realised I had been gazing at Newt the whole time. "Minho just leave it will you?" I did like him but I didn't want to tell him yet so it's best if Minho just keeps his trap shut, or trust me I will shut it for him.

--time skip to the evening (after dinner)--

We had spent the day joking around with eachother and it was brilliant. I just loved their company- and I was even getting closer to Minho which I really liked because he was a funny person. He may be a sassy bitch but when he's being sassy to other people instead of you, it's so fun to watch.

Now it was time for bed and Newt and I were walking over to our hammocks together. He stopped at his and tugged on my elbow for me to stop walking to mine and he then brought me into a warm hug. He softly stroked my hair with his gentle hands and I nuzzled my head into his chest. "If you need me I'll be in my hammock, don't hesitate to wake me up, okay? Have a good sleep my love." He then placed a tender kiss on the top of my head and I looked into his dazzling brown eyes; I smiled and nodded, then creeped over to my own hammock.

I was just lying on my side thinking things through: how I was dreading going to sleep but I knew I had to; the whole Minho and Newt thing; and generally Newt. Then I started thinking over the words he said to me so I could try and drift off to sleep. 

My love? He called me his love!!! Maybe it means nothing to him but AH. Maybe he likes me back, who knows- but I can go to sleep knowing he's right over there ready to help if I need.

--time skip to the morning--

I had another nightmare last night. It was horrible and in the dream I was drowning repeatedly. It felt so real that when I woke up my lungs were aching and sore- could have just been from screaming because I did end up waking Minho and Alby up aswell as Newt but it had a different feel to it that made me feel like it actually happened. Maybe it didn't really happen last night but maybe it happened once before.

I was lying in Newt's arms again (like I usually do after I have a bad dream) but I just really needed to go and bathe because I felt so clammy and I mean, sweat isn't very attractive. "Newtie?"

"Yes, love?" he had this wide grin plastered on his face and I think it's because I called him newtie but I don't know. "I think I'm going to go take a dip, I feel a bit sweaty and everything after last night, is that okay?"

"Of course, don't be too long though because I want to get cleaned up too!"

I got out of his hammock and gathered up some fresh clothes and a towel to use after. We really did need to build some showers: I think Alby might be waiting for another one to come up so he can have a few extra people to help him. For now though, the pond was just fine.

I waited till I got to the small clearing before the pond to get out of my dirty clothes, and then I plunged into the water. Ooh that feels good. The water was a nice temperature (probably due to being heated by the sun from yesterday) so it felt so good and refreshing- it wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot, it was just right. I took my time scrubbing myself all over and submerging my head whilst combing through my hair in an attempt to wash it. The water felt lovely as it washed over my dirty skin, it was almost relieving.

I got out step by step- not wanting to leave the very pleasant water- and then just stood in the cool breeze, taking deep, invigorating breaths in of the clean morning air. I opened my eyes to walk over to my towel when I heard footsteps from the direction of where I was going to pick up my towel from, "Hello? Who is it?!" I was literally naked and I didn't exactly fancy Alby seeing me like this.

Blonde scruffy hair poked out from behind a tree and then I saw his whole face. Shit. Oh god no he's just seen me naked. "OH GOD I'm so so sorry I thought you would have been finished by now!" he blurted in his gruff morning voice as he tightly squeezed his eyes shut and slapped his hand over them for an extra barrier.

"No no I'm sorry, I was just taking a bit longer than normal because I was really enjoying myself. It's okay I'm not mad or anything, it was just a mistake. It's totally okay." I then smiled at him as I gracefully drifted over to retrieve my towel, but of course he didn't see my smile because he still had his eyes covered. His cheeks were a very deep shade of vermillion red and I could practically feel his shock from here. I wrapped my towel around me as quick as I could to save more embarrassment and then told him, "You can open your eyes now, no naked y/n's in sight."

He warily brought his hand down from his red face and just looked at me so apologetically and as he tried to get that apology out, he got more and more flustered so I decided to make a quick decision. I ran over and just put my hands on his cheeks and smiled before doing something I had wanted to do for a very long time...I kissed him. He was frozen in shock still so I didn't give him much of a kiss but it really was...something. As I parted my lips from his, I searched in his eyes for anything other than pure shock, and I didn't know if my mind was playing tricks on me but he looked kinda, sorta happy. I might just be imagining it. I didn't want to stay there for much longer because I got scared that he might not have liked that so I just said a quick, "It's okay, see you at breakfast." and gathered my clothes and necklace up so I could go get dressed in the hut or something.

Then an afterwave of astonishment hit me. What in the hell just happened?!?!?!

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