chapter six - Lunch and Sai

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Sakura and Gaara were currently walking to there next class. It was one of the few that the two friends/not so secret crushes had with just each other and it made the boring science class room a little less boring.

"So do you think you well forgive them?" Gaara asked her as they sat in there seats.

"I'm still thinking that throe. Come ask me later… or never." Sakura told him as he rolled his eyes. The class soon started and soon ended.

Now came the dreaded lunch hour.

"You sure you want to do this Sakura?" Amaya asked her as they all walked to the lunch room.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be! I was the one that said 'Yes' to the invitation in the first place so why shouldn't I be? I mean it's no big deal anyway right? There just some old friends that I haven't seen in about two years so I have no reason to-"

"Sakura-Chan! Calm down." Naruto told her.

"What?" She asked him.

"You were practically hyperventilating youthful Sakura-Chan!" Lee said.

"Oh sorry about that." She told them as her face became as pink as her hair.

"It's alright. We all know that you do that when you freak." Kiba told her.

"I do not!" She said in her defense.

"Yes you do!" The all told her at the same time. By this time they had walked into the large lunch room and did a quick scan of it.

The lunch room was large and had about a dozen or two large and small earthy green circle shaped tables and a small square platform in the middle of the room with a very large dark green circle table on it. In this table held the Konoha Royalty. They all had school lunch in front of them and there were filling only half of the table with about ten extra seats at the table.

Sakura started walking up to the platform with her friends. None of them seemed to notice how the lunch room went dead silent or how every person in the room were watching them as they walked up the few stairs to where the Konoha Royalty sat.

"Hi Sakura. I'm glad you decided to join us." Ten Ten told Sakura with a small smile on her face. She, like everyone else at the table, was more then nervous with the pink haired beauty around.

"So are we. Aren't we guys?" Sakura asked her friends as they all sat in the other half of the table.

Everyone nodded while they stared at Sakura's old friends, as if they were looking for something in them that would make themselves better. Like they were the new and improved versions.

"So tell me whats been going on around here since I left." Sakura asked them with a smile as she took out her lunch.

"Nothing much. People still think Shikamaru is gay, Hinata is still shy and single, Neji still thinks he's better then everyone, (Insert glare from Neji) Ten Ten is still a tomboy, Sasuke still has his fan girls, and I'm still boy crazy." Ino said as she waved her hand around in the air.

"So Neji and Ten still aren't together?" Sakura asked as she gave the two disapproving looks.

Ten Ten became as pink as Sakura's hair and Neji gave her a very angry glare.

"Well just face it, you two are meant for each other! Its fate!" Sakura said as she took a bit of Amaya's white rice.

"So Gaara, how is Temari doing?" Shikamaru asked the red haired boy.

"She's doing well. She's missing you a lot too." Gaara said simply.

"So Sakura who are all of your old friends?" Akio asked her.

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