Chapter Eleven - Fan Boys, Fan Girls, Fan Clubs!

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Hello everyone! This is your author speaking.

This chapter is going to be broken down day by day with a different couple for each day!

I hope you enjoy!


On Monday~

Ino and Kiba~ Ino's Fanboys


And we now join are favorite blonde and dog boy in there beloved gym class, with there favorite teacher Guy.

Yeah right.

"Alright my youthful students! Today we are playing a youthful game of dodge ball!" Guy told everyone as he did his signature 'good guy' pose. All he got in response where groans of annoyance.

"But Guy-Sensei! Shouldn't we make the game more of a challenge!" Lee shouted as he stood next to Guy. Everyone in the room (- Kiba) glared at him.

"SHUT UP LEE!" the all yelled.

"What a wonderful and youthful idea Lee! Fifteen laps around the gym before we start!" Guy told everyone. Lee opened his mouth to protest that it was far too easy but the glares of his not-so-youthful classmates stopped him.

Everyone got up and waited for Guy to tell them to start there laps.

"And GO!"

After the fifth lap around the large gym, Ino was panting for air and thinking of just skipping a few laps and saying she was done.

"Hey." Ino turned her head around to see Kiba jogging next to her with a smile on his face.

"So I was thinking today for the game, you watch my back and I watch yours?" Kiba asked her. Ino gave him a grateful smile and nodded her head.

"How can-huff- you not be-huff- tired of all this-huff- running yet?" Ino asked him breathlessly.

"I run a lot and Lee and Naruto are very active people, so all of us Suna Rejects have to keep up with them. So good old Lee and I could do thirty laps and not even break a sweat." Kiba told her.

"Ohh, Neji, Tenten, and Sasuke-puff- are the active ones in the-huff- Konoha Royalty-puff- Hinata can run pretty fast and far though." Ino told him.

"Don't worry, we only have a lap more, then you can collapse to the floor." Kiba told her. Ino could only look at him in surprise. She never runs for this long. She would normally just say that she did fifteen laps when she only did eight.

"'Kay, where done now." Kiba told her as they slowed to a stop with about ten other kids. Ino put her hands on her knees and gulped in as much air as she could. Kiba only watched her and laughed.

"You're not much of a runner are you Princess?" Ino could only manage to give him a half hearted glare that made him laugh again.

Soon the game started.

"Ino! To your right!" Kiba shouted as a dark green dodge ball came flying at Ino which she neatly dogged away from thanks to Kiba's warning.

Ino sent him a smile and called that a ball was coming at him to his left.

The way that Ino and Kiba where working together only made Ino's many fanboys more jealous. How dare that dog talk to there Ino!

"Keep your eyes off our Ino!" Three boys shouted at once at Kiba before all three threw there ball at him. Kiba only barely managed to get away from the rubbed balls. The fan boys smirked as they got an evil idea in there heads.

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