Chapter Twelve - Questions, Dates, And More Planning!

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Now we join everyone's most favorite groups of hormone struck teenagers only two weeks before the big dance! Let's see if the guys get enough guts to ask the girls out!


"Umm . . . Amaya?" Sai asked the dark haired girl that sat next to him. The two where in the art room that day and where both following their teachers example of how to make a drawing more life like. Amaya looked at the pale boy and tilted her head a bit to the side.

"Umm . . . I was kind of wondering . . . you know if you already don't have a date, but . . . would you like to . . . go to the Year Ends Dance with me?" Sai asked her quickly. Amaya blinked at Sai before opening her mouth to answer him and said-

"Amaya, Sai! Pay attention and stop talking!" the teacher barked at them. Sai spent the rest of class glancing over at Amaya. 'Was she about to say yes to me? Was she about to say no to me? When is she going to tell me? What if she says no to me? Dear God, I shouldn't have asked her!' Sai thought in panic.

By the end of the class, Sai was just about ready to scream. Amaya then handed him a small, folded note and walked out of the class. Sai looked down and opened the note. In her neat cursive writing it said:

I would love to go with you Sai.

Sai sighed in relieve and walked out of the class with a small smile playing on his lips.


Shikamaru and Temari were lying under a large tree in the park that Monday after school just watching the clouds and enjoying each others company.

"So, Temari . . . the Year Ends Dance is coming up." Shikamaru said to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, Akio won't stop talking about it and what she and Lee are going to be wearing. What about it?" Temari asked him.

"Where you planning on going to it?" Shikamaru asked her. Temari sat up and put a finger on her lips in thought and looked away from Shikamaru.

"Hmm, will if I find a date then maybe," Temari told him. Shikamaru smirked at her.

"Will alright then, I guess I'll just have to ask one of my many very pretty fangirls to go with me," He told her. Temari glared at him and playfully hit his chest. Shikamaru chuckled and smiled at her. "Would you want to go with me to the dance Tema?" Shikamaru asked her. A wide smile came across her face.

"Now that's what I want to hear! I'd love to go with you Mr. Nara." Temari told him before lying next to him and enjoying the breeze that passed them.


"Tenten, would you go to the dance with me?"

"Neji, please go to the dance with me!"

"Tenten you look so beautiful!"

"Neji, please be my boyfriend!"


"Sorry, but no."

At their words, the fan-boys and fan-girl left and the two brunets sighed in relieve.

"So, since you don't want to go with one of your fan-girls and since I don't want to go with any of my fan-boys. . . I was just thinking that. . ." Tenten trailed off and fell silent.

"Thinking what Tenten?" Neji asked her.

"Umm . . . maybe we should just go together?" Tenten asked shyly. She was glad that Neji had a book in his face or else he might have seen the light pink that was shown on her cheeks.

"We've gone to almost every dance together for the past three years, what makes this one any more different?" Neji asked her. Tenten only shrugged and stayed silent.

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