Chapter Thirteen - Shopping and Bonding!

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"This is so cool! I can't believe that we all have dates for the dance!" Akio was practically bouncing with the excitement that was building in her. She had managed to talk the girls, even the Konoha Royalty girls, into having lunch outside that day without the boys and the six girls where currently sitting at one of the old, wooden, and paint chipped picnic tables.

"I know. I almost went into shock when I found out Sai had asked Amaya." Sakura laughed while ignoring the glare that she received from said purple eyed girl.

"I thought that boy would be stuck on Ino forever! It's good to know that he moved on." Tenten told them as she ate her pizza.

"Well I am sorry that boys love me!" Ino said in fake defense.

"By the way, if you hurt Kiba, you will have three very pissed girls out for your head Princess." Amaya told Ino threateningly. Akio and Sakura nodded in agreement.

"You don't need to worry about that, I promise. Kiba's . . . not like the other guys." Sakura raised an eyebrow at the dreamy look on Ino's face and felt her jaw drop when realization hit her.

"You . . . You're in love." Sakura whispered it so no one but Ino had heard her. Ino blush and gave the pinkett a small smile and shrug. Sakura could only blink at her in amassment.

"You think it was a shock that Sai asked Amaya? I almost feel out of my chair when I found out Sakura said 'Yes' to Sasuke!" Tenten said to Akio who nodded in agreement.

"Y-You're going w-with Sasuke?" Hinata asked Sakura who blushed until her face matched her hair.

"W-Will . . . I didn't want to go alone and Sasuke . . . anyway, Gaara had already asked out that girl." Sakura spoke the last words bitterly and the girls understood. Hinata, Ino, and Tenten still shared a worried look with each other. They knew that Sasuke though of the date as much more then Sakura did and they knew that Sakura had actually wanted to go with Gaara, not Sasuke. They could tell already, someone's heart was going to be broken.

"Oh My God! We still need to find dresses! Not to mention our make-up, hair, accessories, shoes! Dear Lord! We need to go shopping!" Akio yelled. She grabbed a small note pad with a pink cover out of the back pocket of her jean mini skirt and started to make a list of everything they would need, setting up the date for the shopping spree so that no one was busy that day, and already making notes of which colors would look best with each girl.

Hinata looked at Amaya and said, "She c-could make a g-great secretary when she's o-older." Amaya could only nod her head in agreement.


"Okay, I say we slit up into teams and then come meet up here again in two and a half hours. That should give us enough time to find our dresses and shoes and maybe our accessories. Deal?" Akio told everyone. Everyone nodded and Akio grabbed Amaya and ran before anyone could do something to stop them. Tenten and Temari then ran off in the same direction and left Sakura with Ino and Hinata.

A silence filled the three of them for a few moments.

"There's a new dress shop on the other side of the mall. I've heard a few good complements about it." Sakura told the two. Ino gave a shy smile. Hinata nodded her head a bit. The three then started the long walk across the large three story mall.

"So . . . did you ever miss Konoha when you were in Suna?" Ino asked almost timidly. She wasn't use to feeling this nervous. She was a very outgoing and confident person that never doubted herself. She had never met someone that had made her jealous, made her insecure, or made her hesitant. Sakura and her friends had done that in the past few weeks.

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