Chapter Fourteen - One Last Dance

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It's the big night! The Year-End Dance is tonight! All day at school people had been talking about it, the girls where talking about their beautiful dresses and hair and shoes while the boys talked about what they were doing after the dance. The volunteer students had decorated the gym and had made sure that no one got a sneak peek at the room all day (really. They actually have body guards for the doors). But now, school is over and the students have gone home to get ready for the dance.

They have two and a half hours. The mission has begun!


At the Hyuga house, Hinata had left her hair down as she always did, but she had added a very pretty jeweled hair clip to hold some of her bangs back. The clip looked like a water lily and was made out of diamonds and small sapphires and a white pearl in the center. The accessory was worth thousands of dollars, but it also had sentimental value too. It had been her mothers, a gift that her father had given her so long ago.

Hinata's wore almost no make-up. Her cheeks were always stained with her pink blush and her eyes never looked right when eye shadow or eyeliner was around them. She only had to wear a clear coat of lip gloss and she was good to go. She slipped into the dress that she had bought with Ino and Sakura and enjoyed the feeling of the smooth material as she walked around her room, making sure that she was wearing everything and that she didn't look like a moron.

She was halfway down the hallway before she remembered her shoes. She smacked her forehead with her palm before walking back to her room and slipping on the silver heals. She then heard a soft knock from her door and looked up to find Neji standing in the doorway. Neji was wearing a black tux that fit him perfectly and she could see that her father had gotten the suit tailored for him. The jacket and pants were black and he wore a simple white shirt under the jacket.

"Yes, Neji-nii-san?"

"Your date is here," he told his younger cousin with a bit of sourness in his voice. Hinata gave a small smile to her cousin and he realized that his not so little cousin was smiling more and more often as the days went by. He wondered if it had something to do with the loud mouth blond.

"You look very nice tonight Neji-nii-san. Are you trying to impress Tenten?" Hinata asked him. She smiled to herself, realizing that she hadn't stuttered once. Neji was taken back by that a bit, but blushed a light pink at her question.

"No," he answered a bit too quickly. Hinata stood and walked out of her room with Neji by her side. In the living room, Naruto stood with Hanabi and Hiashi. The poor blond was the victim of Hiashi's infamous 'look of death' and the ever oh so popular, 'List of thing you can not do with my daughter' as well as Hanabi's constant questions.

"So have you and Hinata kissed?"

"Umm, no."

"You and Hinata will not be drinking an alcohol even if some idiot brings some to that dance. If I find out that you try to talk her into it, you'll be in prison for the rest of your short life."

"Y-Yes sir."

"What do you like best about my sister?"

"Oh, umm, just about everything."

"You and my daughter will not leave the dance for anything other then to drop her off at home, understand? If you take her anywhere else and Neji isn't with you, you're a dead man."


"Well you dance with my sister tonight? She loves dancing, so you'll be out on the dance floor for hours!"

"Of course I will."

"You will not, repeat not, try to take advantage of my daughter tonight or any other night. I'm not even going to tell you what will happen if you do. Understand boy?"

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