Chapter one - The fight

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  • Dedicated to Jennifer Richter Wright

Kind of went back to the old storyline sorry.

"Ino, how could you?" The sixteen year old, pink haired girl yelled at her platinum blond friend. Ino sat on her bed looking at her newly manicured nails as one her best friends, Sakura Haruno, yelled at her. Her other best friend, Hinata Hyuga, sat next to Ino, silently playing with her almost purple dark black over grown bangs.

"I mean you slept with him for god sakes Ino! You slept with my boyfriend!" Sakura cried. It was the sad truth that Sakura said... or yelled is more like it. Sakura had found out from a friend named Tenten that day after school that her best friend of almost ten years had slept with her boyfriend of almost a year, Sasuke Uchiha. She had also learned that her other best friend of five years, Hinata, had been covering there tracks from Sakura for almost three months.

"Would you shut up forehead? You're giving me a headack." Ino wined to her friend while rubbing her temples.

"No, I well not Ino! I have been dating Sasuke for almost a year and you have sex with him! What were you thinking!" Sakura yelled.

"Why are you putting all the blame on Ino? It's Sasuke that cheated on you." Hinata said calmly to her friend. Hinata use to have a problem with stuttering her words when she was younger, much to her fathers dislike, but Ino and Sakura had fixed that by the time she was twelve, which is why her father allowed his eldest daughter to have the two as her friends.

"You're taking her side!" Sakura screamed at the pale eyed girl.

"Well you can't really blame me for having a bad boyfriend!" Ino yelled at Sakura.

"I'm not blaming you for my bad boyfriend! I'm blaming you both for being bad best friends!" Sakura screamed at them with tears threatening to fall from her emerald green eyes. "You two were like sisters to me! And you slept with my boyfriend Ino!" She yelled at the now wide eyed Ino and Hinata. "And you knew all along, Hinata, and you never even told me! I knew that Sasuke had been cheating on me and I was planning to end it with him when I heard that he had been sleeping with you! With you of all people Ino!" The tears were now falling from her eyes as her two best friends stared at her with wide and watery eyes.

"You know Ino, people would always say things about you. Boys that you had dated would say that you were easy and that the only good thing about you was shown in there bed. Girls would always talk behind your back and call you a slut and a tramp! I was the one that would tell them that they were wrong and that you weren't like that! I was the one threatening those boys that if they ever talked about you that way that again I would beat them to death! And this is how you repay me!" Sakura yelled.

"Hinata, do you know how many people would talk bad about you? They would call you a stupid bitch and say that the reason why you were always so quiet is because you didn't have the brain enough to talk! They would say that no one cared about you! Not even your father or sister or cousin! They use to say that your mother killed herself because you weren't a good enough daughter! I was the one that would protect you from all of those lies! I was the one that would get in trouble for defending you because you weren't strong enough to do it yourself!" Sakura yelled.

"Well I'm not going to do it any more! I'm not going to stop those boys from calling you easy any more Ino! And I'm not going to stop those girls from spreading rumors about you or calling you a slut and a bitch any more Ino, because that is what you are! I'm not going to protect you anymore Hinata! I'm not going to stop people from starting rumors or calling you stupid! Because if this is the thanks I get for doing all those things for the two of you then you can both forget about it!"

"Sakura I didn't know that you-"Ino started to say but was cut off by Sakura.

"I don't want to hear it Ino! I don't want to listen to either of you ever again! Don't bother talking to me anymore because you won't get an answer! In fact, I never want to hear or see either of you ever again!" Sakura screamed at them.

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