Chapter Fifteen - Kisses

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The dance is now over and done with, but that doesn't mean that to romance is. Let's go stalk- I mean, see what Hinata and Naruto are up to.

Hinata and Naruto were now walking along the streets of Konoha. They were talking and laughing and enjoying the date as long as they could get away with.

Naruto suddenly went quiet.

"Naruto-kun, w-what is wrong?" Hinata asked him with concern laced in her voice. Naruto gave a small sigh.

"I should probably be getting you home, your dad and Neji will probably kill me if I don't," Naruto told her with a sad grin. Hinata blushed.

"I . . . I'm s-sorry about how my father and Neji-nii-san a-acted toward you before Naruto-kun. T-They are very protective of me."

Naruto grinned at her. "It's alright Hinata-Chan. If it means I can still be with you, then I'll be happy to deal with them all the time," Naruto told her. Hinata blushed and tried to hide the small smile on her face.

"S-So, what d-do you think you'll do a-after high school in done?" Hinata asked him.

"I think I might stay around here for a while. I'm not too fond of going back to Suna and the collage over here is way better."

"W-What will you be going to c-collage for?"

"My dad, he use to own this big business that was practically all around the world, I swear, that thing is more world-wide then Wal-Mart. Anyway, my god father Jiraiya has taken over it while he writes the books that Kakashi reads. I've wanted to take over the business after I graduate collage."

"I see," Hinata said quietly.

"What about you Hinata-Chan?" Naruto asked her.

". . . I don't p-plan on taking over my families company like you Naruto."

"So what will you do?"

"I . . . I wish t-to be a writer, but my father . . . he disagrees," Hinata told him.

"A writer? You mean, like making a book?" Naruto asked her.


"That would be so cool!" Naruto exclaimed. "Jiraiya's books are really popular, don't read those by the way, and I think I might be able to have him help you find a publisher," Naruto told her. Hinata was a bit shocked by the kind offer, but she smiled and nodded all the same.

The two could now see the Hyuga Compounds gates and fell silent as they drew closer. Naruto and Hinata stopped when they were on the front porch and faced each other.

"I . . . I had a l-lot of fun tonight Naruto-Kun," Hinata told him with her blush still intact.

"I did too. I hope that we'll be able to do this again, next Saturday maybe? I could take you to the movies and dinner," Naruto offered her. Hinata blush darkened.

"I . . . I would love to Naruto," Hinata smiled at him and Naruto felt like he had just one the lottery.

"Great! I'll come get you at . . . 6:30 next Saturday then."


He didn't know what came over him, maybe it was how pretty she looked in the moonlight, or how soft her lips looked, or how cute her blush was on her pale face, but Naruto had the sudden desire to kiss the lovely Hyuga in front of him. And he did just that.

The kiss was slow and gentle, but Naruto held Hinata to him tightly and protectively. With that kiss, that very first kiss, Naruto and Hinata where both addicted. They could have spent the entire night like that, but you see, there was this thing called oxygen, and humans needed it. So the kiss ended far too quickly for the two.

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