chapter eight - Girl talk

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"True." Amaya said.

"Now all we have to worry about is the Konoha Royalty and Sai." Sakura said.

"I think we can handle the Konoha Snobs, it's Sai we need to worry about." Gaara said.

"Why is that youthful Gaara-San?" Lee asked.

"He knows all of our secrets and you heard what the Konoha Snobs said, he well do anything to get with Ino again." Gaara said.

Sakura looked over at Amaya and saw that her quiet friend had found the ground very interesting. Sakura put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick squeeze. Amaya looked at her pink haired friend and gave her a small smile that she so rarely did.

Sakura gave her a big smile and looked at Gaara with a look that said 'Shut the Hell up!' which he gladly did.

Soon they were talking about what was taking Temari so long and what they well do to have everyone know who they are. Then it happened.

"Amaya?" They heard a voice say from behind them.

Amaya turned her head and saw a boy with pale skin that almost looked like paper, black eyes, short black hair, and was carrying a sketching pad.

"Sai." Amaya almost whispered as she looked at him.

No one said anything as the two looked at each other. Seconds turned to minutes and the two only stared at each other. Sai's eyes were wide and it looked like has was a poor man staring at a goddess. It was after all this time that Temari drove up.

"Hey! Sorry for taking so long! Get your asses in here and let's go!" Temari yelled, not noticing Sai.

The Suna Rejects all stood and got there things. Sakura got Amaya's things and walked over to her. She touched her arm and Amaya slowly looked away from Sai, grabbed her things and got in the large car with everyone else.

"You alright Amaya?" Akio asked her sister on the way home.

Amaya stayed silent and stared out the window.

Sakura and Akio shared a worried look with each other before looking at Amaya again.




Sakura tossed and turned in her bed that night.

She had finished decorating her room that night and her walls were now a dark green color, her carpet was black, she had a dark brown desk, dresser, night stand, and book selves in the room, and she had bought some long black curtains to cover the windows and her tall glass door that lead to the small balcony that she had fought violently to have. Her bed was a large one and she had brought her favorite blanket, sheets, and pillow cases from home. Black with green and brown swirl like patterns on them.

She had done everything she could to get to sleep but she was restless. She had read her favorite book over again, listened to her favorite music, had a midnight snack, gone on her laptop for awhile; she had even finished her homework! She still couldn't sleep. Now she was just lying in her bed and trying to get some shut eye.

She then heard a taping sound on her glass door. She got out of bed and opened one of the black curtains that covered the balcony door.

She looked out it to see a boy with bloody red hair and light turquoise eyes looking back at her and she couldn't help but smile.

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