Chapter Three - A short Two Years

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Sakura was unpacking some of the things they had brought with them in the living room, since her parents had left a half hour ago to see her father boss and to get food, when she heard the doorbell. She got up and walked down the short hallway of the medium sized house and opened the door to see three people standing there.

There was a girl that looked a few years older then Sakura with dark blond hair that was in four spiky pony tails and had beautiful teal eyes. She was wearing blue jeans and a dark lavender shirt and was smiling at Sakura.

Next to her was a boy that looked about a year older then Sakura with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was well muscled and had on a blue shirt that said 'You wish you were me!' In red and some baggy blue jeans. He was grinning at Sakura.

Next to him was a very good looking boy with short spiky bloody red hair and light blue eyes. He was in a red and black shirt and black jeans. He was also glaring at the spiky haired girl.

"Hi." Sakura said to them.

"Hi! You must be our new neighbor. I'm Temari no Sabaku and these are my brothers Kankuro and Gaara." She told Sakura. Sakura blinked at the older girl before she gave a sly smile and said "So you're the Temari I've heard so much about!" when she saw the confusion on the three siblings faces she brought out the small box Shikamaru gave her and handed it to Temari. "Shika says hi."

The girl gasped, took the box, opened it and pulled out a silver chain necklace that had a small silver fan on it. The girl smiled and put it on. "How do you know Shika?" Kankuro asked her.

"We were really good friends at my old school, and I was going to ask you the same thing." She told them.

"Temari and Shika knew each other really well before he moved away about a year ago. They still write to each other and stuff but they haven't seen each other since." Kankuro said.

"So that's why Shikamaru never dated anyone! And here people thought he was gay!" Sakura said. Kankuro laughed while Temari looked horrified and Gaara looked bored and pissed.

"Would you like to come in?" Sakura asked her new friends.




"I'm worried about her." Iku said to her husband while leaning her head on his shoulder for comfort. The sight of there only daughter looking that upset was almost breaking the hearts of both blond haired, blue eyed parents.

"I have heard her crying herself to sleep almost every night for a week now." Inoichi said as he stroked his wife's hair.

It was true.

Ino was now siting outside on the old home made swing that her and Sakura would always play on as children. Even at sixteen, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata would always sit in the shade of the tree with one on the swing and two on the ground and talk. Now the blond, blue eyed beautie sat on the swing alone, trying to keep the tears in her eyes as the memories of her and Sakura's friendship and sisterly closeness played in her mind.


INO age 6


I saw a grope of kids at the play ground and started to walk towards them. I heard a girl voice then laughter come from the grope. I wanted to see what was so funny so I got closer to them.

It was then that I saw a girl with long red hair and glasses holding the pink hair of a crying girl that looked about the same age as me. I recognized the red haired girl as Karin, she was a bully that thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world and always has a large grope of her 'friends' with her.

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