Chapter ten - Help Us

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"And so you see class, if you take X over R and times it by the total-"Amaya tuned out the teacher and glanced at Akio, who glanced at Lee, who looked at Naruto, who nudged Kiba, who looked at Naruto, who looked back at Lee, who looked back at Akio, who looked back at Amaya.

Amaya then held up the small square shaped piece of folded paper to everyone. They all nodded and Amaya reached over to tap on the shoulder of the boy in front of her.

Shikamaru then turned around and looked at Amaya with a board look on his face.

Amaya handed him the note and whispered "Don't open it until all the Konoha Royalty is with you."


At Lunch


Amaya, Akio, Lee, Kiba, and Naruto all looked up from there food to see the Konoha Royalty walking to them.

"Would you all like to join us? We have a few things to discuss." Neji asked the Suna Rejects who nodded in agreement.

When everyone was sitting at the table, Suna Rejects on one half and Konoha Royalty on the other, Ino spoke.

"Where are Sakura and Gaara?" the blond haired beauty asked them.

"They got in detention." Amaya told them.

"What for?" Tenten asked her. The Suna Rejects all shared a smirk and answered, "They made one of the teachers cry."

"Wow." was the only reply they got.

"Now about you're note…" Sasuke started. "Help us? What do you mean by that?"

"It's simple really, we need you're help with something."

"And what would that be?" Sasuke asked them.

"We need Sasuke's help to get Sakura and Gaara together." Amaya told him.

There was a dead silence that soon followed.

"If I agreed to do it, what would I have to do?" Sasuke asked them.

"You would have to spend time with Sakura, flirt with her, date her, anything to make Gaara jealous." Akio told him.

"Why would I even want to do that?" Sasuke growled at her.

"Look Teme, Gaara makes Sakura happy, okay? And unlike you, he would never hurt her! He wouldn't get bored with her, and then go sleep with her best friend." Naruto said while glaring at Sasuke.

Sasuke's face gave no emotion and the Konoha Royalty sent Naruto a deadly glare.

"Shut it Naru," Amaya said "Look, Sasuke, Sakura is happy with Gaara; he treats her well and loves her with everything he has. You all see the way they are around each other; you have to see that they love each other. Sasuke please, for Sakura's own happiness, please do this for her." Amaya begged him, ignoring the wide eyed stares that the Suna Rejects where giving her. Amaya never, and I mean ever, begged. She was too prideful to do that.

Sasuke looked at her for a long minute, his face unchanging and emotionless. The entire table was silent.

Finally, Sasuke said something.

"Okay, I'll do it Amaya."

The Konoha Royalty looked at him in shock. He was just going to let the girl of his dreams walk away in the arms of another guy? AND he was going to help make it happen?

"Thank you Sasuke." Amaya said as she stood and left the table with the rest of the Suna Rejects.

The Konoha Royalty looked at Sasuke and glared, all asking him a silent question. 'Why the hell did you do that!'

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