Chapter Two - Goodbye

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  • Dedicated to Heather Jackson

Sakura woke up the next morning to her annoying alarm clock.

She got out of bed and got dressed for school. Today was going to be her last day at Konoha high since she and her family were moving the next morning to Suna. She wore an emerald green V neck no sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with some black flats. She brushed her teeth then her long pink hair until it was soft and smooth and put on a light line of black eye liner.

She walked down stairs to eat a quick breakfast and walked to school.

When she walked into her first class she saw Ino and Hinata sitting next to each other with an empty chair to Ino's right. Sakura would normally sit there. She saw that Ino and Hinata were looking at her with hope that she would forgive them and sit with them like she always did before, but instead she walked right past them to where three of her close friends, Tenten, Neji, and Shikamaru, sat behind them.

"Morning Tenten, Morning Neji . . . . Morning Shikamaru." Sakura said as she sat next to Tenten. She saw that, like usual, Shikamaru was asleep in his chair.

Shikamaru has been a good friend of Sakura's for as long as Tenten and Neji and was practically a genius. The only problem is that he's too dame lazy to do any work or to even stay awake during class. He was actually held back a grade for his laziness.

"Good morning Sakura. I heard that your dad got a promotion yesterday." Tenten said. Tenten was in her regular outfit, tan baggy jeans and a peach colored shirt with her brown hair up in two buns on the sides of her head. The two had been good friends for about two years and Tenten was the one that had told her about Ino, Sasuke, and Hinata.

"Yep. But his boss wants him to work at the head quarters so we have to move." Sakura told them sadly. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Ino, Hinata, and Sasuke all whipped there heads around and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Where is it at?" Neji asked her. Sakura started hanging out with Neji when she meet Hinata and he introduced her to Tenten and Shikamaru. He is Hinata's older cousin and is like her body guard, he even failed a grade so that he could keep a closer eye on her.

"Suna. Were leaving tomorrow morning." She told them.

"Suna? Isn't that somewhere in the desert?" Tenten asked her. Neji nodded to answer her.

"That's going to suck." Neji said. Tenten nodded in agreement. Soon the bell rang and they all went off to there next classes.

It was lunch by the time that Ino and Hinata walked up to Sakura, Tenten, and Neji. Shikamaru was in the principals office for falling asleep again in class, his reply was that it was to troublesome to stay awake.

"Are you really leaving?" Hinata said with clear sadness in her voice.

Sakura looked at them then nodded her head slightly before getting into a conversation with Tenten about if it might be possible to get a tan there. Tenten laughed and warned her that if she fell asleep on the wrong side, she would end up half baked. They both laughed like they had been sisters for most of there lives. Like Sakura and Ino and Hinata were. By that time the blond and purple/blue/indigo/black haired girls had left with tears in there eyes.

"She cried all night you know." Neji said suddenly as he watched his younger cousin trying to keep her tears at bay.

"She was the one that kept things from me." Sakura said back.

"My uncle is worried about her. He told me that she hasn't been like this since her mother died."

"She should be happy then. Her father is finely starting to care about her."

"Sakura. You're like family to her. She already lost her mother and now she is losing her best friend." Neji said coldly.

"I would still be moving even if we didn't have that fight, Neji." Sakura replied.

"Still, she thinks you hate her. I wouldn't be surprised if Ino didn't feel that way too."

"They aren't that stupid." Sakura said ending the conversation.

Soon the day at school ended and Sakura walked home alone.

She and her mother and father packed the rest of there things and got ready to leave the next morning.


"Sakura! Sakura! Sakura!" Tenten shouted as she ran towards Sakura's house. Neji and Shikamaru were trailing behind.

"Tenten! Neji! Shikamaru! What are you guys doing here?" Sakura asked her friends as she hugged Tenten.

"We came to see you off." Neji told her.

"I was dragged out of bed early on a Friday for this. You woman are so troublesome." Shikamaru said lazily as Sakura hugged him.

"Well I'm glad you came. The moving van got here about ten minutes ago so we still have about a half hour." Sakura told them. They spent the time exchanging there home addresses, e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers, and home phone numbers and promising to keep in touch with each other.

"You know Hinata and Ino wanted to come to say goodbye." Neji told her.

"You can tell them I said it." Sakura told him. He only sighed.

"Hey Sakura?" Shikamaru asked her.


"When you get to Suna, if you meet a girl named Temari no Sabaku tell her Shika said hi and give her this." He said as he pulled out a small box. Sakura smiled at him and took it.

"Sakura it's time to go now!" Her mother called her.

Sakura hugged each of them and said her goodbyes to them, then got in the car with her mother and father for the nine hour drive to her new home.

She wished that Ino and Hinata had came to say there last goodbye to her though.


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