Chapter five - Konoha Royalty and Th Return of The Sweet Sakura Blossom!

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"Alright everyone. I know you know that we had the exchange program two weeks ago and the students from Suna well be here today. Now don't pull any crap on them, got it?" the silver haired teacher said.

In response he got mumbles from the classroom of his students.

"Alright. Now finish the assignment." Kakashi said as he sat at his desk in front of the room and pulled out his beloved orange book.

In the back of the class room a group of friends sat around each other.

A girl with long platinum blond hair that was in a high pony tail with her long bangs covering her right sky blue eye called Ino sat next to a shy girl with mid back indigo/black/purple hair and pale lavender eyes named Hinata and a girl with brown hair that was in two neat buns on the sides of her head and brown eyes named Ten Ten.

Behind them sat a boy with blue/black hair that looked very much like a chickens ass and coal black eyes named Sasuke that sat next to a boy with long dark brown hair that was in a very low pony tail and the same light lavender eyes as Hinata named Neji and a boy with his semi long black hair in a spiky pony tail and dark brown eyes that at the moment were closed even though he wasn't asleep named Shikamaru.

There all the best looking people at high school, they all have fan clubs, they all have fan boys and fan girls after them, and there all rich.

They are the Konoha Royalty. And they rule the school.

"So how well we greet the new kids?" Sasuke asked them. He didn't have to worry about the homework. He was the third smartest boy in the school.

"Mmm. I say we give them hell." Ino said with an evil smile on her face.

"But how?" Neji asked.

"W-We could m-make the g-g-girls think that S-Sasuke loves them then t-tell them he a-and I-Ino are dating." Hinata said. She and Tenten were the ones in the group that came up with the evil ideas, but never did anything to hurt the person.

"Good idea! We can tell the boys the same thing with me." Ino said.

"Or we could just leave them alone." Shikamaru said with his eyes still closed.

"Why would we do that?" Tenten asked him.

"I have a really bad feeling about the new kids. Like if we mess with them a little, they'll give us hell four times worse." Shikamaru said as his eyes opened.

"Why would you think that Shikamaru? I thought you were the smart one." Ino said.

"It's just a really bad feeling." Shikamaru said.

"Whatever Shikamaru. We do the plan." Sasuke told everyone.

"I heard that there is three girls that were coming here and four boys. But two are dating each other so the other five are single." Ten Ten said.

"Good then we well each have a person fall for us." Sasuke said with an evil smirk.

"Fine. Just don't come crying to me when you find yourself in love with her." Shikamaru told him.

This got a laugh from everyone. Even Sasuke.


Because the idea of Sasuke in love with a girl that doesn't have pale pink hair and emerald green eyes is the craziest thing in the world. Yep.

Sasuke hasn't had a girl friend since Sakura and he doesn't want one that isn't her. He and Ino kind of agreed not to see each other like that almost instantly after She had left.

The sound of a knock and the opening of the class room door went unnoticed until Hinata gasped loudly.

Everyone in the group looked up to see a group of about seven people standing there and their eyes widened.

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