Chapter Nine - Jalousy

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It's been about a week since Sakura and The Suna Rejects were defended by the Konoha Royalty and everything was going well. Hinata and Naruto are still partners, Kiba is still Ino's knight in shining armor for gym class, Tenten and Neji were going through an awkward time where every time they look at each other they blush harder then Hinata, Temari and Shikamaru always find time to be with each other, and Gaara and Sakura are STILL being stupid.

Everything was going normal, and then Temari had to mess it up.

"A what?" Sakura yelled as she stood up from her seat at the dinning table.

"Ohh, come on Sakura, its just one day!" Temari argued.

"I'm not doing this!" Sakura said as she crossed her arms. Everyone at the table looked at Temari for her remark.

"Well that's too bad, because you're going!" Temari yelled. Everyone looked at Sakura.

"No I am Not! You're not my mother Temari!" Sakura yelled. Everyone looked at Temari.

"I thought you said you had forgiven them!" Temari shot back. Everyone looked at Sakura.

"I said I might start to forgive them!" Sakura responded. Everyone looked at Temari. If you looked close enough then you would see small smiles on all the Suna Rejacts faces.

"It's been two years!"

"And? What the heck makes you think I'm going to go with them!"

"The fact that I well drag you there myself!" Temari yelled.

Yeah, that's how dinner went that night. There argument? Temari thought it would be a good thing for Sakura and the other girls to spend some time with Shikamaru's friends so she set up a shopping day for the six teenage girls that Saturday.

Sakura had fought viciously and had said 'no' many times but, it being Temari that she was fighting, she had agreed.



This was the sound that Sakura had woken to before she slammed her fist on her poor alarm clock. (Its funeral was held soon after T.T)

Sakura was just about to roll over and fall asleep again when her door busted open, revealing a very mad looking Akio.

"Sakura! Get up! We have to go meet everyone in an hour!" Akio yelled as she yanked the black blanket off of her pink haired friend.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" Sakura yelled as she sat up.

Akio was in a hot pink sleeveless top that showed her every curve, a light gray skirt that went below mid thigh, a light gray cloth belt that tied around her stomach, dark gray boots that went below her knees, dark gray wrist cuffs, and her silver heart locket and earrings. She had her short silver hair up in a messy ponytail with her short bangs over her forehead and light colored make-up on.

"Well then get ready!" Akio said before turning on her heal and walking out of Sakura's room.

Sakura considered going back to sleep but knew she would get in even more trouble and got out of bed.

She pulled on a black off the shoulder short sleeved shirt with red cross stitching running up the sides with a long sleeved fishnet shirt under it and long black pants that showed the curve of her legs and had small bright red cross stitching on the lower half. She then pulled her black fingerless gloves on and a large black belt on over her jeans and some black flats on. She then brushed her long pink hair; pulled most of her long bangs and a top layer of her hair and put it into a tight ponytail on top of her head with most of her hair down (Kind of like Deidara's). She put her red and black necklace and earrings on, a bit of eyeliner and mascara, and walked down stairs to find Temari, Akio, and Amaya waiting for her.

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