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You sat in your bed for what felt like hours. You finally got the strength to stand up and walk your way to the piano. You open up your recordings and click on a song you've been putting off. You start playing and listen to the chords fill the room and your words flow out the speakers. It's was almost so surreal to hear yourself through speakers and singing about a song that was the most strong feeling you had at the moment.

You tried to shake the feeling and immersed yourself  into the song. You played chords and sang lyrics just to delete them and try again. You sat in that chair unmoved for the next 2 hours. You poured your heart and soul into that song and when you finished, you almost cried. You pulled your chair back  slightly and listen to the song play. Your room suddenly fizzles and you see nothing but colors flashing as the words play out. You see yourself sitting on a hill and looking out towards a field and you turn your head slightly and it changes to a beach, then a forest, the a empty void. You're just floating as the words seem to float in front of your face and they feel right.

The song ends not long after and you return back to your dark room only illuminated by the computer screen. The song was perfect, but it wasn't what you needed. You sent it to your label and told them to publish it, no questions asked. You shut down your computer and put on clothes and wrapped your fuzziest blanket around you. You put on a nice pair of shoes and walked out your door.

You stared at looming steps above you. It seemed to get farther away the longer you looked. You place your foot down on the first step and you realized how serious you were. How you were so ready to do this. You wrapped your hand around the cold metal railing, mentally jumping at the frigid feeling. You put your foot up next to the other and your knees almost gave out. You went from stone cold sober to fragile, unbalanced, and broken quicker than anything you could literally imagine.

Getting to the top of the stairwell seemed like the end of time. It took you so long is what your body was telling you, but you don't even remember entering the stairwell, and then suddenly you're at the top.

The door pushes open with a heavy creak. The breeze is the first thing you notice. Well you notice you can't feel it. You hoped it would bring you back to reality. The same reality that you couldn't grab on to that pushed you to wherever you were now. You walked your way towards the edge and stared down at the bustling city under your feet. The lights that flashed only reminded you of paparazzi. You searched for some type of comfort in the view, or in the gravel like concrete that formed the roof your standing on, or the asphalt that was to dark to see that framed the whole city. You weren't sure what you were going to do. Your next move could have been anything. You couldn't tell what you were feeling and so you just stood there, waiting for either an impulse or for reality to find it's way back to you and rip you back to it.

So you just stood.

Youtuber Imagines Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now